
2014年05月29日 澳洲悉尼地产投资




“过去一年里房价显著上涨,”HIA经济学家贾瑞德(Shane Garrett)说,“然而,低利率的影响以及收入持续增长保障了家庭的住房承受能力在过去一年里出现改善,无论是对现有的房主还是对即将在短期内置业的人来说都是如此。”




McGrath的房地产中介魏威(Jonathan Viewey)则对调查结果感到惊讶。“在澳洲买得起房?才怪。”他说,“现在要买房可困难了,市面上每次出现比较像样的房子都有一大群人跟你竞争。”



Housing affordability best in 12 years thanks to low interest rates, says index

2014年5月28日 BUSINESS DAY 报道

Eryk Bagshaw

Despite surging house prices, housing affordability has risen to its most favourable level in 12 years in the first quarter of this year, thanks to record low interest rates, a survey has found.

Affordable in our market? Not really ... It’s tough out there at the moment, whenever something decent comes up there is a lot of competition.

McGrath real estate agent Jonathan Viewey

The HIA-CBA Housing Affordability Index improved by 2.1 per cent in the March quarter and chalked up a 10.8 per cent annual rise.

However, the HIA New House Affordability Index declined to -2.3 for the March 2014 quarter, indicating that the affordability of new houses continues to be somewhat less favourable than existing houses.

The index measures a wide range of factors of which house prices are only one. The other major factors are interest rates and incomes.

In calculating the index, only the major costs of ownership are considered, namely the house price and monthly mortgage payments.

The index assumes that the the buyer is providing a 10 per cent deposit and financing the remaining 90 per cent of the purchase price with a 25 year variable rate mortgage.

While the index takes into account average weekly earnings, it does not measure housing affordability as compared to real wages which fell last week to their lowest level in 17 years, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The ABS figures show that real wages rose just 2.6 per cent over the past year. This figure falls well below the consumer price index which rose 2.9 per cent over the same period.

The data also tells a different story to those released by RBA last week, where the ratio of dwelling prices to incomes were shown to be at their highest levels since 2010.

The Commonwealth Bank's data on dwelling prices also revealed that prices had increased in NSW by 4.4 per cent over the past year, while Victoria's dwelling prices had dropped 2.8 per cent.

The Australian Bureau Of Statistics' housing figures for March showed the number of commitments to purchasing new dwellings has fallen by 1.7 per cent since February.

"Increases in home prices over the past year have been significant," said HIA economist Shane Garrett, "Sydney remains the least affordable market by any measure."

"However, the impact of lower interest rates and continued earnings growth has ensured that home purchase affordability has improved over the past year for existing homeowners and those on the cusp of entering the market in the short term," said Mr Garrett.

"We're talking about house purchase here, and at the moment its easier to purchase," said Mr Garett.

The Reserve Bank of Australia has signalled that interest rates are set to remain low for some time.

"As home price pressures ease off, we expect home-owner affordability to remain reasonably favourable for the foreseeable future," Mr Garrett said.

McGrath real estate agent Jonathan Viewey was surprised by the results. "Affordable in our market? Not really," he said. "It's tough out there at the moment, whenever something decent comes up there is a lot of competition."





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