MSc Biomedical Engineering
Theaims of the Biomedical Engineering degree are: to impart state-of-the artknowledge and understanding of Biomedical Engineering at postgraduate level; todeliver advanced modules informed by the active research expertise of theacademic staff; to prepare students for careers in advanced technology; toprovide a study environment that fosters stimulation and permits students toadvance their knowledge and skills.
Thisprogramme in Biomedical Engineering enables students to develop expertise in anew and expanding area. Topics covered include:
- Biomedical imagingtechniques (whole body with a focus on the brain)
- Compartmental modelling inphysiology and medicine
- Biomechanics, including atthe cell level
- Properties and design of the materials employedin medical applications, as well as tissue engineering
- Healthcare technologies,their design and applications
- Signal processing and dataanalysis techniques for physiological data
Students will also attend seminars on project planning/management, ethics, health &safety, report writing, library skills and career management, to help preparethem for the demands of the course and for future study or employment.
The course is made up of 4 core modules, two optional modules and a project Theproject is a piece of original research or innovative design, providing idealtraining and preparation for industrial/clinical R&D or a PhD.
Teaching is underpinned by research activities in biomechanics, biomaterials, systemsbiology and medicine, synthetic biology, computational intelligence inbiomedical engineering, neural engineering, medical imaging, biomedical signalprocessing, health care technologies, telemedicine, medical sensors anddiagnostics, and many other topics in biomedical engineering and biomedicalscience. The University has links with a wide range of institutions both withinthe UK and internationally and the School benefits from research collaborationwith many of these other academic and industrial organisations.
Activities within the School or activities in which the School is heavily involved include
·Biomedical and Biological Systems Laboratory
·Warwick Medical Imaging Network
·Trace Metals in Medicine Laboratory
·Biomedical Sensors Laboratory
·Micro sensors and Bioelectronics Lab
·Nano Bioengineering Lab
·Gait Lab
·Applied Biomedical Signal Processing and Intelligente Health Lab
·Innovative Modelling for Pharmacological Advances through Collaborative Training (IMPACT)
·Warwick Centre for Integrative Synthetic Biology
·EPSRC/BBSRCCentre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology
Entry requirements
TheBiomedical Engineering MSc is open to graduates with a good first degree in anyphysical science (such as engineering, maths, physics, chemistry) and lifesciences or medicine, provided it can be demonstrated that they have anappropriate background in fundamental mathematical concepts.
Core modules
·Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering*
·Physiological and Compartmental Modelling(ES9Q3)
·Biomedical Imaging*
Optional modules
Chooseone from the following:
·Biomedical Signal Processing*
·Biomedical Materials and Tissue Engineering*
·Introduction to Systems and Synthetic Biology*
·Healthcare Technologies Design, Management and Assessment*
*Newmodules: Details to appear
Individual project
Halfthe course credit comprises a substantial project appropriate to the course ofstudy. This entails an in-depth experimental, theoretical or computational investigationof a topic chosen by the student in conjunction with an academic supervisor.Recent Biomedical project titles include:
·Bone Investigation using Infrared Detection
·Modelling Gas Exchange in the Human Respiratory System
·Modelling of Acute Hypercalcemia Immunotherapy Treatment
·The Proliferation and Differentiation of Osteoblast Cells on EngineeredBiocomposite Surfaces
Themodules are delivered thoughout the first two terms. The module cycle istypically 3 or more more lectures per week plus seminars and laboratoryexercises. Where possible the modules are interleaved in pairs. Each module hasa coursework exercise associated with it to be completed within 1 month of theend of the module to demonstrate the student's understanding of the subject.
Chartered Engineer status
The MSc Biomedical Engineering is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). The accreditation meets the the academic requirement for Chartered Engineer (CEng) status when combinedwith an accredited first degree.