地道英语打招呼so easy!
还在用中国式问候"How are you?" "Fine, thank you. And you?”来跟朋友打招呼吗?你可以使用它们,但我建议你只在正式场合用他们,在商业会议上用还算可以,但是和朋友和熟人聊天也用这个句子就太不合适了。虽然算不上什么天雷滚滚的句式,但是老外表示他们从来不会这样跟朋友打招呼。我们聚在一起爱聊工作什么的,老外也喜欢吗?小雅哥这次会来教教各位烤鸭们如何用英语问好而不显得奇怪。
“How's it going?” “最近怎么样?”
这和问“How are you?”一样。以“Yeah, it's good, you?”回答。
注意你不要说“I'm good”。你要说“It's good”这是因为“it”指的是情况。
(It--the situation--is good.)
你也可以回答:“Not bad.”或者你可以重复这个短语:“Not bad, not bad.”
记住:not bad = good.
美国人更喜欢用“awesome(好极了)”来回答“How's it going?”或者“How are you?”对美国人来说,一切都是极好的。他们和他们的英国弟兄正好相反。他们有时即使过了最坏的一天,当别人问他们最近怎么样,依然用“awesome”来回答。
“How's it going?”可以用在很多不同的场合。它不仅只是一个问候用语。比如,如果你的朋友在做一些工作,你可以问他们“How's it going?”如果他们说“It's good,” 意味着他们的工作进展不错。他们可以说“Not so good” 或者“It's not good” 如果他们的工作进展不顺利。
“What's up?” / “Sup?”
“What's up?” 是带有美国影响的,但是年轻英国人经常用它。你可以把这个短语简化成一个词: “Sup?”
1: “What's up, man, how's it going?”
2: “Yeah, it's good, thanks, what's up with you?”
Person 1: “What's up, man? Long-time no see!”
Person 2: “How's it going, my friend?’
Person 1: “Yeah, it's good, you?”
Person 2: “Not bad, not bad. You okay?”
不过,“What's up?”在不同的情况下有不同的含义。烤鸭们要注意用对含义哟~
(1) 问候“What's up?”可以表示一种非正式的“你好”。这时你最好的回答也是“What's up?”
(2) 它也表示,“你怎么样?”但是说话者并不真正期望知道你确切怎么样。最好的回答是“Not much.”
(3) 它还可以表示,”出什么事了?”如果你看起来不高兴或不舒服或犹豫,别人可能会问你“What's up?” 你讲知道这一含义如果问你的人口气带着关心。你可以告诉他们哪里出错了。就说“I'm not feeling well,”或者“I've had some bad news”,或无论哪里出了错。如果你不想谈论这件事,就说“Nothing”/“No big deal”/“Don't worry.”
(4) 它也可以表达, “What's new?”或“What's happened in your life recently?”你可以通过说发生了什么来回答。比如:“I got a new job.”,或者“I'm tired at the moment.”但是大部分人不以此回答。
“What's the craic?”
这是一个“What's up?”的变形,可以翻译为“最近发生了什么事?”这个短语来自爱尔兰,但现在也用在英国和美国。如果你想听起来更真实,在句尾放上“like”:“What's the craic, like?”一个合适的回答会是,“Not much, what's the craic with you?”
“How's it hanging?”
“How's it going?”的另一个变形是:“How's it hanging?” 这是一个美国俚语。
“What have you been up to?”
“What ya been up to?” 或者“What've ya been up to?”经常也用被使用并有相同的含义。任何解释你做了什么的回答都是合适的。
你可以回答:“Well, yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends, and I've been studying a lot. What about you?”
你不一定要说你做了什么,你可以说“This and that”或者“Ah, you know, same old, same old”或者“Bits and bobs.”
A: “Alright? How's it going?”
B: “Alright. Yeah, not bad. What ya been up to?”
A: “Ah, you know, this and that. Same old, same old. You?”
B: “Yeah, not much. Lots of school work, bits and bobs.”
【2015.9.26 A类小作文】
Table, adults' frequency of access to Internet for five years (everyday, once a week, once a month or never). 小雅哥预测神命中~看了预测的A类烤鸭是不是很开心~目测本次表格数据较多,烤鸭们写的时候不要眼花了哟~
【2015.9.26 A类大作文】
Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything study at school are useful at some time.Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 教育类话题不难写哟~
【2015.9.26 G类小作文】
Your company sent you to a course as part of your job. Now you have completed the course. You need to write some feedback to your company to say the purpose of the course, why it is important and what can be improved. 注意formal语气~
【2015.9.26 G类大作文】
Some people think radio is more enjoyable and practical than TV. What's your opinion?这么简洁的问法,小雅哥表示很久没遇到了。本题内容应该不难写,各位G类烤鸭不要被过于简洁的题目吓住了~
【2015.9.26 雅思口语直播正在进行中】
1\work or study, handwriting and computer
2\activity that keep fit
话说昨天一边keep fit时,一边在练习这个话题,哈哈哈哈啊哈哈
p1,fruit and vegetables music
p2,a good leader
上次考的也是这个 0.0
1 name hometown apartment and house
2 family photo
1 name text message book
2 person who speak second language well
我会告诉你们这个part2我已经考过3次了么 >_<
终于mid day了,可以好好休息下了,中秋节快乐!!!
1 name history public holiday
2 a new skill you want to learn