【远离火灾危险 ,确保师生安全消防演练简讯】
Brief news of a fire drill: Stay away from the fire hazards to ensure the safety of teachers and students.
Often hearing the sound of fire trucks, but what does it look like? How does the firefighters put out the fire? Will they get injured? Etc... In order to further strengthen the kindergarten's safety and enhance the fire safety awareness of teachers and students, in the morning of September 18, 2015 we have invited Foshan City Fire Department, Chancheng District Wenhua Community Committee and Chancheng District Wenhua fire department (division) jointly launched the fire drill at Calgary kindergarten.
At 9:30AM, as the fire alarm sounded, teachers quickly led the children to pick up the wet towel to cover their mouth and nose, crumpled up, quickly and orderly go downstairs at two staircases. It was pursued according to the emergency evacuation routes. As soon as the children are grouped at the playground, the teacher quickly counted the number of people and then report it to the commander. The whole evacuation activity took only 4 minutes. After the end of the exercise, firefighters slowly drove a fire truck into the kindergarten and the children are immediately excited. After they saw the firefighters, the fire truck, fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler etc... the children asked their own questions one after another. Firefighters also guided the teachers the proper use of fire extinguishers, fire demonstration and practice.
Through this exercise, not only let teachers and students to learn how to self-rescue, escape, call 119 report to the police, but also to understand the importance of emergency evacuation and being calm during sudden occurrences.