美食 Samantha Lee — 用食物讲故事

2015年09月29日 美国CCHP地产网

来自马来西亚喜欢做料理料理的妈妈Samantha Lee绝对是目前instgram的红人之一,“Make Food That Tell A Story 餐盘上的童话” 是她为自己的料理所下的注解。 四年前,当Samantha Lee挺着大肚子,怀孕在家的期间试着做料理给年幼的大女儿品尝,她把料理的成品照分享到网路上,除了亲朋好友大力称赞外,自己的女儿也非常的开心,便这样不间断的创作了四年多。起先只是为了让女儿对吃饭产生兴趣,用可爱的卡通、电影角色来吸引她,没想到做着做着却在网路上做出名气来。

Samantha Lee is a Malaysian mother who creates fun, creative and healthy meals for her two young daughters and over half a million followers. Samantha started making food art in December, 2008. By the time, she was pregnant with her second daughter. Samantha created the very first food art “Hello Kitty” to encourage her elder daughter who was 19 months old to eat independently.

“I’m always happy to inspire other moms out there to create cute food art for their kids. It doesn’t have to be done every day; just try it once in a while.” – Samantha Lee

Photo: instagram @leeSamantha

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