Watch a group of children playing with their toys. At first they mightbe happy to put the plastic animals in their cages at the zoo and take them outagain, or dress the dolls in different clothes, but after a while things get abit boring.
So the toys will be moved across the floor as if they had real legs, theanimals will start to speak to each other and the dolls will pay visits to eachother's houses and talk about what they've been doing today, all in slightlydifferent voices of course.
It seems that the impulse tomake inanimate figures move and talkis a very natural one, and, of course, that's exactly what puppets are all about. And that's probably why they've existed forthousands of years - and are knownto children and adults all over the world.
Impulse 冲动
Inanimate 无生命的
Puppet 木偶
Known 已知的、知名的