
2015年12月21日 澳大利亚WHV

Section 1 咨询场景-图书馆咨询,填空10
Section 2 待回忆
Section 3 待回忆

Section 4 学术讲座-建筑科学讲座,填空10

Section 1
Questions 1-10
1. address: in Skellran Street
2. location: next to a park
3. open time: from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm on weekdays
4. activities for children: drawing club for children between 4 and 13 5. singing club for all children every other Saturday
6. activities for mothers: local artists club
7. people can borrow various magazines
8. people can also borrow films CDs
9. when sending post cars, you need to provide the card number
10. souvenirs: XXX and maps
Section 2

Section 3


Section 4
场景: 社科讲座-建筑类
题型:填空 10
31.thic viewed as personal issues
32. all three major accidents in history involved Collapse of bridges
33. 1879 Scotland, destroyed by effect of wind
34. in 1907,the great weight for the bridge of Canada
35…is a kind of sugar, sweetener
36. in a tank to another factory
37. immediate cost is still hard calculate
38. reason known for the accident:insufficient safety test
39. increase pressure
40 requires: operation unless being given a license
扩展练习:C5T3S4, C9T3S4
解析:本场考试的建筑类话题讲座,可以参考剑5和剑9的两篇section 4进行练习。sweetener增甜剂这个词可能会不熟悉,但是根据音节和构词法其实是可以拼出。

Passage 1:
题型:判断题6+填空 4+表格题3
1.researchers creatures
2.陆地生物 F应该是海洋生物
3.爪子抓取食物 food1. Sail in the narrow rivers T


Passage 2:
题目: Emotions
题型:段落信息配对题6+人名配对5+填空题 3
1.人得出结论是 beyond the expectation
2.Life span
3.Pressure positive
4.Pressure positive personal society


Passage 3:
题名:Children‘s adults
A Stories and poems aimed at children have an exceedingly long history: lullabies, for example, were sung in Roman times, and a few nursery games and rhymes are almost as ancient. Yet so far as written-down literature is concerned, while there were stories in print before 1700 that children often seized on when they had the chance, such as translations of Aesop’s fables, fairy-stories and popular ballads and romances, these were not aimed at young people in particular. Since the only genuinely child-oriented literature at this time would have been a few instructional works to help with reading and general knowledge, plus the odd Puritanical tract as an aid to morality, the only course for keen child readers was to read adult literature. This still occurs today, especially with adult thrillers or romances that include more exciting, graphic detail than is normally found in the literature for younger readers.

B By the middle of the 18th century there were enough eager child readers, and enough parents glad to cater to interest, for publishers to specialize in children’s books whose first aim was pleasure rather than education or morality. In Britain, a London merchant named Thomas Boreham produced Cajanus, The Swedish Giant in 1742, while the more famous John Newbery published A Little Pretty Pocket Book in 1744. Its contents—rhymes, stories, children’s games plus a free gift (‘A ball and a pincushion’)— in many ways anticipated the similar lucky-dip contents of children’s annuals this century. It is a tribute to Newbery’s flair that he hit upon a winning formula quite so quickly, to be pirated almost immediately in America.

C Such pleasing levity was not to last. Influenced by Rousseau, whose Emile (1762)decreed that all books children save Robinson Crusoe were a dangerous diversion, contemporary critics saw to it that children’s literature should be instructive and uplifting. Prominent among such voices was Mrs. Sarah Trimmer, whose magazine The Guardian of Education (1802) carried the first regular reviews of children’s books. It was she who condemned fairy-tales for their violence and general absurdity; her own stories, Fabulous Histories (1786)described talking animals who were always models of sense and decorum.

D. So the moral story for children was always threatened from within, given the way children have of drawing out entertainment from the sternest moralist. But the greatest blow to the improving children’s book was to come from an unlikely source indeed: early 19th-century interest in folklore. Both nursery rhymes, selected by James Orchard Halliwell for a folklore society in 1842, and collection of fairy-stories by the scholarly Grimm brothers, swiftly translated into English in 1823, soon rocket to popularity with the young, quickly leading to new editions, each one more child-centered than the last. From now on younger children could expect stories written for their particular interest and with the needs of their own limited experience of life kept well to the fore.

E What eventually determined the reading of older children was often not the availability of special children’s literature as such but access to books that contained characters, such as young people or animals, with whom they could more easily empathize, or action, such as exploring or fighting, that made few demands on adult maturity or understanding.

F The final apotheosis of literary childhood as something to be protected from unpleasant reality came with the arrival in the late 1930s of child-centered best-sellers intend on entertainment at its most escapist. In Britain novelist such as Enid Blyton and Richmal Crompton described children who were always free to have the most unlikely adventures, secure in the knowledge that nothing bad could ever happen to them in the end. The fact that war broke out again during her books’ greatest popularity fails to register at all in the self-enclosed world inhabited by Enid Blyton’s young characters. Reaction against such dream-worlds was inevitable after World War II, coinciding with the growth of paperback sales, children’s libraries and a new spirit of moral and social concern. Urged on by committed publishers and progressive librarians, writers slowly began to explore new areas of interest while also shifting the settings of their plots from the middle-class world to which their chiefly adult patrons had always previously belonged.

G Critical emphasis, during this development, has been divided. For some the most important task was to rid children’s books of the social prejudice and exclusiveness no longer found acceptable. Others concentrated more on the positive achievements of contemporary children’s literature. That writers of these works are now often recommended to the attentions of adult as well as child readers echoes the 19th-century belief that children’s literature can be shared by the generations, rather than being a defensive barrier between childhood and the necessary growth towards adult understanding.

Task 1
题目:The bar charts show the employment rate of men and women aged between 60 and 64 indifferent countries in 1991 and 2001.

Word count: 187
The two bar charts demonstrate how the employment situation of males and females whose ages were from 60 to 64 changed in four different countries (USA, Japan, Australia and ?) in two years, 1991 and 2001 respectively.
The first chart illustrates that the employment rate of men was higher in the year 1991 than that in 2001 in all the countries listed. Among the four countries, Japan enjoyed the highest employment rate in both of the years (?% in 1991, ?% in 2001). By contrast, the country ? ranked the second place in 1991 but its figure dropped to the last place in 2001.
In contrast, the employment situation of women in the four countries varied with each other. For instance, both Japan and ?witnessed a decrease of employment rate during the ten years, while the USA and Australia experienced an increase. Meanwhile, in both of the years, Australia and ?had lower employment rate than that in the USA and Japan.
To sum up, males and females experienced different employment situations during the ten years, however, males enjoyed a higher employment rate than females in general.

Task 2
考试题目:Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aims at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Word count: 315
The thriving of tourism depends on the integrated force, among which cultural traditions are one of the selling points that has been hyped by many travel agencies and the relevant participants in the sector. Although it is argued by some advocates that cultural traditions can be well preserved by the money from tourism, I take it with a pinch of salt.
One point that has to be made clear is that the diversity of cultural traditions will be undermined if they are utilized to cater for the fleeting need of travel industry. Only those cultural traditions which are popularly welcomed and accepted by the tourists will be given priority and be well preserved, and it means that the other counterparts bearing the same cultural value will be put aside to some extent and gradually sink into oblivion. In this way, the cultural traditions whose economic value are not so obvious are likely to be less focused on and only a fraction of cultural traditions can survive in the increasingly commercialized society.
Another point worth mentioning is that the original flavor of cultural tradition will be distorted. Once the cultural traditions are mingled with business, they are packed into more a product than a pristine culture. To make the cultural traditions more appealing and eye-catching to customers, some information which has nothing to do with the tradition will be faked to add more glory and grandeur and the original taste of the culture will fade away.
It is true, of course, the money from tourists’ pocket can provide the financial guarantee and support for the cultural traditions. More advertising can be placed on mass media to proliferate the cultural traditions, and the restoration and preservation of cultural traditions can be better ensured if there are more funding being poured into.
To sum up, the essence of cultural traditions are somewhat irreconcilable with commercialization and cultural traditions should be more conserved instead of be tagged with price.
1. a photo or painting you like in your home.
2. an electronic machine you want to buy
3. a new skill you would like to learn
4. an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child
5. a family member that you have spent the most time with


Describe a new skill you’d like to learn.
You should say:
  • what it is

  • who you want to learn it from

  • how you are going to learn it

  • and explain why you want to learn it.

Well, speaking of a new skill I’d like to learn, I think it’s cool to learn kung fu. It is a form of Chinese martial arts. There are many different styles and I think it’s great to know any of them. I’ve grown up watching kung fu films, and I’ve also visited the Shaolin temple in Henan and it’s always a thrill to see what they can do. I’d love to be able to study kung fu so that I can perform awesome flips and other moves and impress my friends. They’d be blown away if I could run up a wall or break bricks with my hand. Ideally I’d like to learn from an old master, like you see in the movies and on TV. I can picture him having a long white beard, which he plays with when he’s thinking; he will say wise things and quote old proverbs. Even though he’s old and looks quite fragile, he can do amazing moves and is still very quick. In all honesty, I’d like to say it is probably a pie-in-the-sky idea. I don’t know where to start and I’m not exactly the most active person. I think I lack the dedication required, as I’d much rather be watching kung fu movies than exerting myself!

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