DEBT crisis? What debt crisis? The biggest corporate-bond issue ever was completed this week.Verizon Communications, an American telecoms group, issued a whopping $49 billion of bondsin order to finance the buy-out of Vodafone’s stake in its wireless operations. That shatteredthe previous record, Apple’s paltry $17 billion issue earlier this year.
The scale of Verizon’s offering may be unprecedented, but its foray into the bond markets isanything but. In the first eight months of this year $1.4 trillion of corporate bonds were issuedworldwide, according to Dealogic, a data provider, compared with $1.3 trillion in the same periodof 2012. Firms have been keen to lock in long-term financing at low yields, particularly sinceborrowing costs started rising after the Federal Reserve hinted in May at slowing its assetpurchases.
Oil and gas companies have been particularly enthusiastic issuers, according to Marcus Hisemanof Morgan Stanley, especially in the “Yankee” market where foreign businesses sell bonds, pricedin dollars, mainly to American investors. Previously many foreign firms would issue debt in eurosand swap the proceeds into dollars, but regulatory restrictions on banks make that much moreexpensive these days. This year 72% of investment-grade issuance has been in dollars,compared with 58% in 2009, according to Morgan Stanley.
据摩根士丹利的Marcus Hiseman表示,石油和天然气公司一直是特别积极的发行者,尤其是在美国市场,外国公司主要向美国投资者售卖以美元计价的债券。此前,许多外国公司用欧元发行债券,之后将受益转换成美元,但是对银行的监管限制规定使得这种做法在现在变得很昂贵。根据摩根士丹利的数据,今年72%的投资级发行都是以美元计价,相比之下去年只有58%。
If companies fear that bond yields are set to rise (meaning that bond prices will fall), why areinvestors so keen to buy? There was plenty of demand to absorb the Verizon issue, forinstance: orders reportedly reached $100 billion. One reason is that corporate bonds offer aspread (excess interest rate) over government bonds that is still attractive in historical terms.The average yield on ten-year investment-grade debt is 3.5%, compared with just 2.95% onTreasury bonds of the same maturity. The sheer size of the Verizon issue required it to bemore generous towards investors, as did its BBB+ rating from Standard & Poor’s, towardsthe bottom end of the investment-grade category. The firm offered a yield of over 5% on itsten-year bonds, for example, more than two percentage points above the equivalent Treasuryissue.