
It’s me, RED Crayon. WE NEED to talk. You make me work harder than any of your other crayons. All year long I wear myself out coloring FIRE ENGINES, Apples, strawberries and EVERYTHING ELSE that’s RED. I even work on Holidays!
crazy that so much of my gorgeous color goes outside the lines. If you DON’T START COLORING INSIDE the lines soon ... I’m going to COMPLETELY LOSE IT.
Beige Crayon:
I’m tired of being called “light brown” or “Dark tan” because I am neither. I am BEIGE and I am proud. I’m also tired of being second place to Mr. Brown Crayon. It’s not fair that Brown gets all the bears, ponies and puppies while the only things I get are turkey dinners (if I’m lucky) and wheat, and let’s be honest–when was the last time you saw a kid excited about coloring wheat?
The second reason I write is for my friends, Yellow Crayon and Orange Crayon, who are no longer speaking to each other. Both crayons feel THEY should be the color of the sun. Please settle this soon because they’re driving the rest of us CRAZY!
It has been great being your FAVORITE color this PAST Year. And the Year before THAT!
But the BAD NEWS is that I am so short and stubby, I can’t even see over the railing in the CRAYON BOX anymore! I need a BREAK!