Oil investors are $230 billion poorer a week after OPEC decision

2015年12月14日 投资美国石油俱乐部



Source: FuelFix

Investors around the world have seen $230 billion wiped off the value of oil companies inthe week since OPEC sent crude prices plunging to a seven-year low by abandoning its output limit.

Companies producing, refining, piping and exploring for oil, along with those thatprovide them with services, had a market value of about $3.73 trillion as ofFriday, compared with $3.96 trillion on Dec. 3, the day before the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ meeting in Vienna. Exxon Mobil Corp., the world’s biggest oil company, has lost $11 billion of its value and PetroChinaCo. more than $16 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Crude’s slumphas lasted for more than 18 months, making it one of the longest downturns indecades and forcing companies to slash spending, reduce their workforce and delay projects. Energy companies are the worst performers in the MSCI WorldIndex this year, even below mining companies that have suffered a slump in theprice of commodities from iron ore to copper.

“Companies must repeat the same size of cuts they’ve already announced to be able to copewith oil prices this low,” said Alexandre Andlauer, a Paris-based oil industry analyst with AlphaValue SAS. There will be “further lay offs to comewith oil at $40 a barrel,” he said.

Chevron Corp., the second-biggest U.S. oil company, said this week its 2016 budget willbe 24 percent smaller than this year’s plan. Conoco Phillips will reduce capital spendingby 25 percent next year to $7.7 billion, the Houston-based company saidThursday. Industrywide cuts next year may reach $200 billion, according to Eni SpAChief Executive Officer Claudio Descalzi.

The MSCIWorld Energy Sector Index, a measure of 107 companies, is down more than 23percent this year, heading for the steepest loss since 2008. Chevron haslost 20 percent this year while Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Europe’s largest oilproducer, is down 33 percent and trading near the lowest since July 2009.

The global oil surplus will persist at least until late 2016 as demand growth slows andOPEC shows “renewed determination” to maximize output, the International EnergyAgency said Friday in its monthly market report. OPEC effectively dropped its production limits at its Dec. 4 meeting, potentially bringing millions of barrels of additional oil to the market as Iran prepares to raise output once sanctions against it are lifted.





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