【导读】:上次大溪地的资料发出来后,看来不仅是我自己醉了,很多童鞋都表示太美哒,问了一堆问题;怎么办签证啊?多少钱能玩下来啊?单身狗适合去不?什么季节去最好啊?……小编为了回答这些问题,秉着日以继夜,近视加深的工作精神,首先给大家整理了签证办理的攻略,不用急着叫我雷锋,只是希望大家订机票,订行程的时候想着我就行了。P.S,整理资料时,发现Ellen 和她老婆也在波拉波拉度蜜月额,真是一个很自由很浪漫很包容的好地方啊。
法国签证受理中心网址: http://www.ambafrance-au.org/-Consulate-General-in-Sydney-
地址:Level 26, St Martins Tower ,31 Market Street ,Sydney NSW 2000
French Embassy in Canberra
地址:6 Perth Avenue, Yarralumla ACT 2600
Step1. 浏览法国签证申请中心网页获取详细信息,并准备资料:
Step 2:通过签证中心网页,按所属领区进行注册预约。
Step 3: 本人前往地区所属领取下的法国签证申请中心递交材料,可先在网上下载Short Stay Visa application form, 填好,签好名,贴上护照照片,另外还有check-list,填好。
Step 4: 于签证中心刷卡的方式支付签证费及签证服务费,大概澳币12刀。目前只接受借记卡和信用卡,不接受支票和美国运通卡。
Step 5: 通过签证中心网页查询护照进度
Step 6: 在法国签证申请中心取回护照,通常需要10个工作日左右(如需寄回,可先在邮局买一个Platinum Express Post)
6.短期逗留签证(不超过90天), 包括大溪地签证填写申根签证表格即可。
1 Short Stay Visa application form duly completed, dated and signed
2 passport size photographs, with one pasted on to the form
Original documents + 1 copy of:
Valid passport (passport and Australian visa valid for at least 3 months upon return to Australia)
For applications other than cruises and conferences please provide the following documents:
Information about your current occupation in Australia:
• If working: recent letter of reference from employer, bearing official heading and stamp, and signed by company representative. Reference letter from bank manager if self-employed.
• If studying: recent letter from the University attesting registration and attendance, bearing official heading and stamp, and signed by University representative.
• If a housewife: letter from your husband’s employer + copy of your husband’s passport + copy of marriage certificate (with official translation if not in English or French).
• If retired: recent letter from Center link or pension company, specifying pension rate.
Evidence of sufficient financial resources: recent bank statement (credit card statement not acceptable) with name of the account holder, last 3 pay slips.
Accommodation document:
• If staying in a hotel: confirmed hotel booking issued by travel agent or hotel (confirmation by email not accepted). If staying in different locations, you must provide all bookings.
• If visiting family or friends: original of certificate of board and lodging to be obtained by the host at his/her local Town hall and to be sent to you. We will not accept any copy or fax of this form.
Evidence of comprehensive travel insurance.
Travel itinerary or airline tickets issued by travel agent or airline.
If you travel as a family, you also have to provide:
• Marriage certificate issued by the State or Province Civil Registrar (+ copy). Documents issued by religious authorities will not be accepted.
• Children’s birth certificates issued by the State or Province Civil Registrar (+ copy). Documents issued by religious authorities will not be accepted.
• Parental authority delegation if either one or all of the parents are not traveling + copy of passport.
• If you intend to ask for your passport to be returned by post, please provide a prepaid, registered and completely filled out self-addressed envelope preferably Platinum Express Post).
Important: only credit card will be accepted.
Processing time to obtain the visa: 2 weeks minimum for a complete application
For applications for cruises or conferences lodged by post, please note that there is a 4 weeks processing delay
If you are not an Australian permanent resident, or if your permanent residency is submitted to a renewal date, your residency permit in Australia must be valid for at least 3 months upon your return to Australia. If you do not return to Australia after your trip, you will need to provide a confirmed ticket to your next country of residence or to the country of your nationality.
Please also note that your Australian residency must be labeled and endorsed on your current passport or on your previous cancelled passport (an official letter issued by the Australian immigration regarding your residency status will not be sufficient). The Consulate-General of France in Sydney does not accept Australian residencies issued or endorsed on a separate sheet, or booklet.
The Consulate-General of France in Sydney is not competent to process visa applications of holders of an Australian "visitor" visa (676, 679, 456, or any type of visa which does not entitle you to stay more than 6 consecutive months in Australia) or a bridging Visa (all categories).
Therefore, these applicants must apply for their visa in their country of residence.
You must be physically in Australia at the time of lodging the application and once the visa is delivered.
Information for non-Australian citizens applying for a visa
Please note that non Australian citizens applying for a visa must provide a copy of their valid passport (page where appears the visa label, must be provided).
Booking an appointment
The online visas booking system is run on a 60 days period: you can book an appointment at least 2 months in advance.
When time slots are grayed out, it means that all appointments have been taken for theses dates. When a month is fully booked, it no longer appears and the arrow cannot be active.
How long does it take to apply for a visa?
for short stay visas, processing time takes 10 open days on average, but can take up to 6 weeks for some nationalities or in some circumstances;
Does a Schengen Visa allow me to enter New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Reunion Island and French Carribean Territories?
No, for these destinations you need to apply for a separate visa.
I have been granted an electronic visa by Australian authorities. How can I prove that I am legally resident in Australia?
Your passport must be labelled with your Australian visa whether or not the Australian authorities have informed you this was not necessary.
My Australian residency is stamped in my old passport, what should I do?
We recommend that you bring your expired passports (if applicable) when you lodge your visa application. Photocopies will not be accepted
Is the form to be used to apply for a visa for New Caledonia and French Polynesia the same as for a Schengen visa?
All short stay visa applications (ie less than 90 days), regardless of the destination, must be lodged using the Schengen visa application form.
My bank only issues statements once every 3 months and I read that to lodge a visa application, documents must be less than 1 month old. What can I do?
You will need to produce the last official statement the bank sent you, and ask your bank to issue a recent statement at the counter (dated and stamped). Be advised that the French Consulate does not accept credit cards statements and that the statement must show your name and address.
I am a student and my parents/a member of my family are/is paying for my expenses. Can I provide their bank statements as proof of financial means?
The Visa Section does not accept financial sponsorship. Only your own Bank Statement in Australia will be accepted.
I am a housewife and I am travelling on my own. Can I provide my husband’s bank statement as proof of financial means?
This is acceptable only if you also provide a copy of your husband’s passport and of your marriage certificate.
地址:北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号 侨福芳草地大厦C座3层 100020
开放时间: 周一至周五,上午8:30至12:30,下午13:30至16:30
武汉市江汉区建设大道566号 新世界国贸大厦 二座, 808室, 430022
开放时间: 周一至周五,上午8:30至12:30, 下午13:30至16:30
广州市越秀区环市东路326号 亚洲国际大酒店 1303室。
开放时间: 周一至周五,上午8:00至11:30, 下午13:00至16:00
+61 2 98583382/89647811
中国固定电话直拨 9504 0300 172#