
2016年04月04日 澳大利亚大华时代


墨尔本 天气:多云 08~12℃ 4月04日

今日汇率 1 AUD : 4.94 RMB

$50 cash for research participants

  • Exciting market research project

  • 60 male and female Chinese background respondents from the Melbourne area needed

  • Would have lived in Australia for more than four years or less than four years

  • One hour session watching a 30-minute TV show

Neuro Insights in conjunction with Dentsu Mitchell invites you to take part in the project which involves watching a 30-minute TV show while wearing a cap which measures your brain responses. Respondents will be paid $50 cash on completion of the session. 

The testing will take place at 192B Burwood Road, Hawthorn.  The session times are 5.30 pm and 7pm on either:

  • Tuesday, 26th April

  • Wednesday, 27th April 

  • Thursday, 28th April

For more information and to express your interest, please contact Masheila Pillay on (03) 9693 3259 or email [email protected]


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请致电:Pansy 0423 046 912 & Sissi 0411151719



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