墨尔本 天气:多云 08~12℃ 4月04日
今日汇率 1 AUD : 4.94 RMB
$50 cash for research participants
Exciting market research project
60 male and female Chinese background respondents from the Melbourne area needed
Would have lived in Australia for more than four years or less than four years
One hour session watching a 30-minute TV show
Neuro Insights in conjunction with Dentsu Mitchell invites you to take part in the project which involves watching a 30-minute TV show while wearing a cap which measures your brain responses. Respondents will be paid $50 cash on completion of the session.
The testing will take place at 192B Burwood Road, Hawthorn. The session times are 5.30 pm and 7pm on either:
Tuesday, 26th April
Wednesday, 27th April
Thursday, 28th April
For more information and to express your interest, please contact Masheila Pillay on (03) 9693 3259 or email [email protected]
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