桂冠国际是一家在移民局有着优质信誉的移民中介,在移民局记录优秀,在诚信中介名单之中。免现场调查、免面试也只会给这份名单上的移民中介,桂冠的客户被现场调查和面试的几率很低。 桂冠专业的顾问和讲座也会指导客户应对万一出现的调查,确保客户100%的通过率。
首先我们来关注一下什么是4020条款。4020条款隶属于公共利益条例(PublicInterest Criteria),在2012年11月被引入移民条例Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth) Sch 2, Clause 892.223,是通过890、892、893、888a签证的必要合格标准之一。经过2014年3月,2014年11月,2015年4月,2015年7月多次修改之后,形成了现在的要求,其核心是为了杜绝和严惩在签证申请过程中提交虚假材料的现象。由于普通情况下拒签之后,只要还持有有效实质性签证(substantive visa),依然可以再次递交申请,且申请次数不限。而4020条款因其禁止所有18岁以上家庭成员在3年内获批任何签证的特性(无论境内或境外申请),成为了商业移民中的雷区,是目前商业技术类移民审核中最为严厉的一种拒签。
1. 在递交申请前12个月所持有签证所涉及到的信息也被纳入追溯期;
2. 在无法确认身份的极端情况下,禁止申请期将是10年;
3. 在被4020拒签时不足18周岁的申请人不受到4020的影响;
4. 明确了禁止期是从因4020拒签开始一直到下一次签证申请时,而不是下一次签证审核时;
5. 无论审核时签证官是否意识到申请人提供了虚假或误导的信息,一经查处,都会受到4020条款影响;
6. 遵循“一拒皆拒”原则,只要是主申请人的家庭成员,无论是否带入申请中,只要违反4020条款,全家所有家庭成员都会遭到拒签。
[4020] (1) There is no evidence before the Minister that the applicant has given, or caused to be given, to the Minister, an officer, the Tribunal during the review of a Part 5-reviewable decision, a relevant assessing authority or a Medical Officer of the Commonwealth, a bogus document or information that is false or misleading in a material particular in relation to:
(a) the application for the visa; or
(b) a visa that the applicant held in the period of 12 months before the application was made.
[4020] (2) The Minister is satisfied that during the period:
(a) starting 3 years before the applicationwas made; and
(b) ending when the Minister makes a decisionto grant or refuse to grant the visa;
the applicant and each member of a family unit of the applicant has not been refused a visa because of a failure to satisfy the criteria in subclause (1).
[4020] (2AA) However, subclause (2) does not apply to the applicant if, at the time the application for the refused visa was made,the applicant was under 18.
[4020] (2A) The applicant satisfies the Minister as to the applicant’s identity.
[4020] (2B) The Minister is satisfied that during theperiod:
(a) starting 10 years before the applicationwas made; and
(b) ending when the Minister makes a decision togrant or refuse to grant the visa;
neither the applicant, norany member of the family unit of the applicant, has been refused a visa becauseof a failure to satisfy the criteria in subclause (2A).
[4020] (2BA) However, subclause (2B) does not apply tothe applicant if, at the time the application for the refused visa was made,the applicant was under 18.
[4020] (3) To avoid doubt, subclauses (1) and (2)apply whether or not the Minister became aware of the bogus document orinformation that is false or misleading in a material particular because ofinformation given by the applicant.
[4020] (4) The Minister may waive the requirementsof any or all of paragraphs (1)(a) or (b) and subclause (2) if satisfied that:
(a) compelling circumstances that affect theinterests of Australia; or
(b) compassionate or compelling circumstancesthat affect the interests of an Australian citizen, an Australian permanentresident or an eligible New Zealand citizen;
justify the granting of thevisa.
[4020] (5) In this clause:
information that is falseor misleading in a material particular means information that is:
(a) false or misleading at the time it isgiven; and
(b) relevant to any of the criteria theMinister may consider when making a decision on an application, whether or notthe decision is made because of that information.’
‘Identifying false or misleadinginformation or bogus document/s in a previous application
Generally it will not be necessaryto interrogate an applicant’s immigration history. However if a delegate suspects an applicant may have provided false or misleading information and/orbogus document, in relation to a visa that the applicant held in the previous12 months, the delegate should conduct all relevant inquiries.
通常情况下是不需要审查一个申请人的移民历史。 然而,如果申请人被怀疑可能曾经提供过跟签证有关的虚假信息,移民局会进行所有相关的调查。 可能包括:移民局系统内的调查,交给其他组织审查(海外文件审查机构),交给出具文件的机构来认证内容和格式, 墨迹鉴定,或其他组织检查。
This mayinclude:
interrogation of departmental systems
referral to other departmental offices (for example, overseas posts, document examination
referral to issuing authorities to verify the content and format of documents
referral for biometric checks
referral to other agencies.
无疑4020条款会对申请人的整个家庭,尤其是还在读大学的孩子,产生巨大的影响,甚至是一生的影响。这是我们在办理商业投资移民时最不愿看到的情况,也是首当其冲要避免的问题。当遇到签证官发出解释邀请(Invitation to Comment)时,有经验的移民中介都会引起高度重视,因为这往往意味着一封准拒签信。同时会采取一系列的措施避免因为4020条款拒签,这个时候对签证官的回复、进一步提交的材料、对核心问题的解释,都要小心、小心、再小心!