Grandmaster Wan Kam Leung 师公溫鑑良
Grandmaster WAN Kam Leung was the earliest student of the late Sifu WONG ShunLeung and has been a senior instructor in Ving Tsun Athletic Association foryears. GM WAN was the only Wing Chun Chief Instructor for the G4 (VIPProtection Unit) ever invited by the Royal Hong Kong Police Force.
溫鑑良師公是已故咏春拳明师黃淳樑最早期之學生。並曾於詠春體育總會擔任資深教練。溫師公亦曾獲皇家香港警察邀請擔任G 4(保護要人組)之首席教練。
GM Wan Kam Leung has precisely modified the Wing Chun system into amodern day practical combating art suitable for males and females of all ages. Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun, the effective way to increase strength, selfconfidence and all round positive health development.
Instructor Bruce Cai 蔡欣成师傅
Sifu Bruce was originally borned in China, where kongfu originallystarted to develop and sprawl. Intense training from 7 years old gave him a solid foundation for his future martial arts practice.
He’s obtained the great opportunities to train with multiple experts in fields of Taichi, Baji Quan, Atillo Balintawak, Kyokushin Karate, and Gary Lam/WongShun Leung Wing Chun. Having the fortunate experience to meet Sifu Peter Hsu, a real Wing Chun master of Gary Lam system.
After six years of training, Sifu Bruce finished the enitre GaryLam System including dragon pole and Baa Cham Do under Sifu Peter.
In order to enhance his Wing Chun skills, SiFu Bruce decided to visit Grandmaster Wan Kam Leung’s school in Shanghai.
He finished the three empty hand forms and wooden dummy skills underSifu Kleber, a regional director of Practical Wing Chun in Shanghai. In later training, he nailed Qi Gung and Baa Cham Do from Grandmaster Wan directly and became the first disciple and regional director under Grandmaster Wan from China Mainland.
In 2014, Sifu Bruce established his own school in Melbourne and committed to introduce Practical Wing Chun to more.
蔡欣成师傅 (SiFu Bruce): 七岁习武,曾研習多個武術流派,包括陳氏太極拳,八極拳,合氣道,極真空手道,更在2013年度维多利亚州极真空手道大赛獲得冠军以及全澳空手道亚军。
蔡師傅在詠春拳領域的成就始於美国林文学系(Gary Lam),十六歲時拜師與詠春名师徐佩德门下学习詠春数载。后被温鉴良宗师的实用詠春拳体系所折服,完成了包括气功以及八斩刀等所有课程并不斷修习至今,是唯一一位獲温鉴良宗师授权在墨尔本地區开设實用詠春武館的師傅。蔡師傅现任实用詠春拳墨尔本地區館主以及总教练。
1. Dark Night Ninjas
Monday –Friday周一至周五: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday周六: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sunday周日: Closed闭馆
2. Morning Fighters
Monday –Friday 周一至周五:
7:10 am –8:30 am
3. IntensiveWarrior Speed up
(Morning and Evening enhancement)
Monday –Friday周一至周五:
7:10 am –8:30 am & 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday周六: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sunday周日: Closed闭馆
常规团体班 - 持续提高你的詠春技术
4. Core Strength Building
Wednesday 周三5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
&. Saturday周六5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
核心力量增强班 - 夯实基本功,如虎添翼
不同於普通的健身房肌肉訓練,該課程針對詠春的拳理,结合传统和现代的训练方法,在灵活运用技巧的基础上增强爆发力以及敏捷度, 增加学员们在训练及实战中的优势。
5. Private classes by Regional Director
– Sifu Bruce Cai
私人课程 - 量身定制,更深层次的自我提高
*All private classes need to be scheduled beforehand, including bonusprivate classes;
*Bonus private classes cannot be separated into several times.
Weekly Schedule
To All Fighters
1. $40 joining fee to Melbourne region is applied and every new fighterwill receive an official training T-shirt as a welcoming gift;
2. Membership fee is charged on 1st of each month;
3. Classes unattended do not accumulate to upcoming period(s);
4. (Optional) $80 additional sign up fee is charged forthose who require a passport from Hong Kong headquarter (optional). Uponsuccessful completion of the program, each student will receive a certificate of completion approved by Grandmaster Wan Kam Leung and will be officiallyrecognised as an instructor of the according level.
1. 每位加入墨尔本温鑑良实用咏春的新学员需交$40入会费;会馆将赠送训练服一件以欢迎各位的到来;
2. 每月1号为统一缴费时间;
3. 缺席课时不可往下月累计;
4. (可選擇)要求加入香港总部名册的学员需要另外缴纳$80手续费; 所有加入该名册的学员在通过相关级别考试之后将收到温鑑良实用咏春官方级别证书。
武馆地址:413/37-41 Swanston St. Melbourne, 3000
二维码就在下面 |( ̄3 ̄)|