你是什么时候来澳大利亚的呢?在澳大利亚的这些日子有什么感受吗?你碰到过对于你来说特殊的人吗?经历过什么样让你能怀揣到老的深刻回忆呢? 和大家说说你的故事吧~ 当初我们是怀揣着怎样的心情来到这片土地,你们是否还能回忆起。也许有些小期待,也许有些小忐忑,也许有些小不安。好在悉尼这个城市足够温暖,足够宽容,也足够让我,存至心底。 Hannah 中国 就读 USYD 下面为大家说说我在澳洲的一些好的和不好的回忆吧。跌跌撞撞,磕磕碰碰竟然也过了1年多。 Best memory:When I was an unexperienced driver in Sydney, my car hit another car. I was totally shocked. I could only say ‘I’m sorry’ to the other driver, but the driver smiled at me with no anger at all. We checked the cars and found no scratch on my car, but his car was damaged. I was struggling about how much should I pay for the damage, but he said: ‘I don’t think this matters. It’s all OK.’ Then he left with another smile. I felt so lucky of being treated with such kindness by a stranger. Worst Experience:There was a time I had two part-time jobs, several dues and exams ahead. One night, when I thought about my work for the next day, my essays due, and my poor preparation for the exam, I felt so stressed and could not even sleep. I could not stop thinking: I cannot even go out with my friends, or to read a book of interest, because I have no leisure time at all. However, when I felt refreshed in the morning sun, I comforted myself that everything was actually going well, and there is the promising future ahead. 你是不是也有故事与我们分享?难道不想知道你走过的路后面有多少人和你看过相同的风景吗? 难道不想知道让你动容的场景有多少人和你一样潸然泪下吗?也许只是几行字,也许只是几句话,左右不过一个孤独,也只是想让更多人觉得温暖。 欢迎投稿参加SISE (Sydney International Student Expo)的“我与澳大利亚的100个留学生故事”征集活动你的故事会出现在ACIC的公众平台,SISE(Sydney International Student Expo) 官方网站,我们的其他社交媒体平台或EXPO当天的宣传手册上。 投稿方式 发送你的故事和照片至邮箱:[email protected] 我们期待着分享你的精彩人生!