8月1日 周一 18:30 EducationUSA留学美国五步曲之第一步:选择适合你的美国大学
Are you interested in going to U.S. for college? Are you curious about the differences between U.S. and Chinese higher education systems? To help you get a better picture of U.S. education, EducationUSA will host a session on how to select the right American school for your academic needs. Our EducationUSA Advisor will be joined by a current American student from Columbia International University and a staff member from Ohio State University China Gateway Office.
(讲座会用英文与中文进行。This event will be conducted in both Chinese and English.)
8月3日 周三 18:30 [美领馆电影夜]《摇摆选票》
本次电影夜活动中,上海美国中心将会放映美国喜剧/剧情片《摇摆选票》(Swing Vote),观众也将了解到“摇摆选票”在决定真实大选结果中起到的决定性作用。影片放映前,会有一位外交官介绍该片,并在放映后带领观众就相关大选问题进行讨论。
Come to the Shanghai American Center for a special screening of the comedy-drama film Swing Vote, and learn more about the importance of “swing votes” in real life and the big role they can have in determining the outcome of an election in the United States. An American diplomat will host this screening and lead a discussion on related election topics after the film.
关于影片 About the Film
2008年出品的喜剧/剧情片《摇摆选票》讲述了一场美国总统大选的结果由一张关键投票决定的故事。凯文·科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)扮演的Bud Johnson是一个普通的蓝领工人,日子过得浑浑噩噩,没少得到他早熟的女儿Molly的帮忙。在一系列的阴差阳错之下,他手中的选票将决定美国大选的结果,他也因此成为了全世界媒体、两党总统候选人和现任总统关注的焦点。在Molly和一个当地电视记者的帮助下,完全状况外的Bud能否承担这个重任呢?
Swing Vote is a 2008 American comedy-drama film about an entire U.S. presidential election determined by the vote of one man. Kevin Costner stars as Bud Johnson, an Average Joe, who is coasting through life with the help of Molly, his wise-beyond-her-years daughter. In a remarkable turn of events, the result of the presidential election comes down to his vote. The world's media and both presidential candidates, including the current President, descend on Bud in anticipation of his re-vote in two weeks. Can the clueless Bud, even with the help of Molly and a local TV reporter, handle this responsibility?
(影片片长120分钟,英文对白,英文字幕。请注意,影片评级为PG-13,有少量粗俗语言。This movie is 120 minutes long and is in English with English subtitles. Please note that the movie is rated PG-13 and occasionally includes adult language. )

上海美国中心(ShanghaiAmerican Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。
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