头条 | 南澳移民局正式回函关于商业移民经营的奶吧接受188合股的问题

2016年08月04日 163创业在澳洲



Dear Paul

We would like to get clarification on "Qualifying Business“ for the purpose of lodging a subclass 888A under Business Innovation from your department.

qualifying business means an enterprise that:

(a)  is operated for the purpose of making profit through the provision of goods, services or goods and services (other than the provision of rental property) to the public; and

(b)  is not operated primarily or substantially for the purpose of speculative or passive investment.

Some migration agents in Melbourne have been telling clients that a Milk Bar won't be a qualifying business. I thought the regulation didn't specify certain type of business won't meet the above mentioned definition as long as the the business meets the definition as well as other requirements e.g. ownership, turnover and the client has been managing the qualifying business etc.

I would appreciate if you could confirm either I am on the right or wrong track.


Dear Ms XIE

Thank you for your email. Please note that if an applicant’s business must meet the requirements of the Regulations. There is not a list of acceptable businesses. If a business such as a milk bar meets the definition/s, then it can be a qualifying business.


Tracy Cheng

Australian Migration and Recruitment Consulting


Tel: +61 3 9852 7095

Fax: +61 3 9852 7889

Address: Suite 13, 13-25 Church Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122


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问答篇 | 188/163对话维州移民局会议现场问答总结

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