新西兰卫生和环境国际基金会(Health and Environment International Trust)负责人、研究员托德·基约斯特罗姆(Tord Kjellstrom)说,在全球范围内,43个国家将面临因为生产力下降而带来的国内生产总值(GDP)的减少,这些国家大部分在亚洲,其中包括印度尼西亚、马来西亚、中国、印度和孟加拉国。
美国航天局(NASA )科学家7月19日的信息显示,今年到目前为止的全球气温远远高出2015年上半年。
位于吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)的联合国大学全球卫生国际学院(U.N. University’s International Institute for Global Health)在《亚太地区公共卫生》(Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health)期刊上汇总发表了六篇有关气候变化对健康影响的论文,基约斯特罗姆是其中一篇的作者。
One way to increase productivity is to address climate change.
Rising temperatures caused by climate change may cost the world economy $2 trillion in lost productivity by 2030 as hot weather makes it unbearable to work in some parts of the world, according to new U.N. research.
Across the globe, 43 countries will see a fall in their gross domestic product (GDP) due to reduced productivity, the majority of them in Asia — including Indonesia, Malaysia, China, India and Bangladesh — researcher Tord Kjellstrom said.
Indonesia and Thailand could see their GDP reduced by 6 percent in 2030, while in China GDP could be reduced by 0.8 percent and in India by 3.2 percent.
“Current climate conditions in tropical and subtropical parts of the world are already so hot during the hot seasons that occupational health effects occur and work capacity for many people is affected,” said Kjellstrom, a director at the New Zealand-based Health and Environment International Trust.
NASA scientists announced July 19 that global temperatures so far this year were much higher than in the first half of 2015.
Kjellstrom said the increasing need for rest “is likely to become a significant problem” as climate change makes the hottest days hotter and leads to longer periods of excessively hot days.
He authored one of six papers on the impact of climate change on health that were put together by the U.N. University’s International Institute for Global Health in Kuala Lumpur and published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Kjellstrom urges countries to work hard now … and take “decisive action” to tackle global warming.