关注【 加拿大曼省萨省新省移民】获取丰富资讯!
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自2015年8月5日起,魁北克技术移民取消掉了适应能力加分,单身49分,已婚57分即可获得 CSQ。当前 QSW 处理效率明显增加,魁北克技术移民Mon Project 2016年第二批配额开放时间为蒙特利尔时间2016年8月16日8:30,开放5000配额,机会难得一定别错过。
QSW 85新政后,魁省审理初选资料有三种结果:
第一、直接获得CSQ, 应该适用于总分达到初选分,有法语成绩单的申请人,官看情况而定
Selection based on the file: In some cases, an interview is not necessary and the application is processed solely on the basis of the applicant’s file. If you have attained the general passing scores of the selection grid, the interview may not be required. In this case, you will receive a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate) in the mail as well as information about Québec. You will be notified of the next steps in your immigration process.
Intent to refuse: You will receive a letter informing you that your application will be refused, unless you provide, within 60 days, documented proof to justify reviewing the decision. If the requested proof is received within the prescribed timeframe, the review of your application will continue. Failing that, your application will be refused without further notice. You then have the possibility to submit a request for an administrative review.
Notice to attend an interview: If the preliminary review of your application is positive, but a selection interview is required, you will receive a notice to attend an interview, specifying the date, time and place of the interview as well as the documents to bring with you.
During this interview, the immigration counsellor will verify all the information provided in your application for a selection certificate, particularly the information on schooling, work experience and language knowledge.
Following the interview, three results are possible:
通过发CSQ-Approval: If the assessment is positive, the counsellor will inform you of the next steps to follow in your immigration process. If possible, the counsellor will immediately issue your Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate). Otherwise it will be mailed to you. You will also receive a kit containing important information which you will be asked to read carefully. Depending on your needs, the counsellor may also give you other specific documents.
拒签-Refusal: If the assessment reveals that you do not meet the selection criteria, an explanatory letter is given to you. You will then have the possibility to submit a request for an administrative review.
意向拒签-Intent to refuse: If supporting documentation is missing, the counsellor will give you an explanatory notice of intent to refuse the application. You will then have 60 days to provide the proof requested. If you do not provide the necessary proof within this timeframe, your application will be refused without further notice. You will then have the possibility to submit a request for an administrative review.
105: 加拿大2016年夏季游学项目
Factor1. 培训(Training) | 最高30分(Maximum = 30) | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数 | |
1.1 学历(Education level) Maximum = 14 Cutoff score = 2 | a. 普通高中(secondary school general diploma) | 2(2) |
b. 职业高中(secondary school vocational diploma) | 6(6) | |
c. 2年以上全日制普通大专(postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies) | 4(4) | |
d. 1年以上全日制技术类大专(postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies) | 6(6) | |
e. 2年以上全日制技术类大专(postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies) | 6(6) | |
f. 专业属于受训领域Area I 或 II 的Section A 或 B 的1或2年全日制中职教育或技术类大专(secondary school vocational diploma or postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 or 2 years of full-time studies in training contemplated in section A or B of area I or II of criteria 1.2) | 10(新增) | |
g. 3年制全日制技术大专(postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies) | 8(10) | |
h. 专业属于受训领域Area I 或 II 的Section A 或 B 的1或3年全日制技术类大专(postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies in training contemplated in section A or B of area I or II of criteria 1.2) | 10(新增) | |
i. 一年全日制本科(undergraduate diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies) | 4(新增) | |
j. 二年全日制本科(undergraduate diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies) | 6(新增) | |
k. 三年及以上全日制本科(undergraduate diploma attesting to 3 or more years of full-time studies) | 10(11) | |
l. 一年以上硕士(master's degree attesting to 1 or more years of full-time studies) | 12(13) | |
m. 博士(doctorate) | 14(12) | |
1.2 受训领域(Areas of training) | Section A of area 1 | 16 |
最高16分(Maximum = 16) | Section B of area I | 12 |
Section C of area I | 6 | |
Section D of area I | 2 | |
Section E of area I | 0 | |
Section F of area I | 0 | |
Section G of area I | 0 | |
Section A of area II | 16 | |
Section B of area II | 12 | |
Section C of area II | 6 | |
Section D of area II | 2 | |
Section E of area II | 0 | |
Section F of area II | 0 | |
Section G of area II | 0 | |
Factor 2. 工作(Experience) | 最高8分(Maximum = 8) | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数 | |
2.1 工作(Professional experience of skilled worker) | 少于6个月(Less than 6 months) | 0(0) |
6-11个月(6 to 11 months) | 4(2) | |
12-23个月(12 to 23 months) | 4(4) | |
24-35个月(24 to 35 months) | 6(6) | |
36-47个月(36 to 47 months) | 6(7) | |
48个月及以上(48 months or over) | 8(9) | |
Factor 3. 年龄(Age) | 最高16分(Maximum = 16) | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数(Points) | |
18 -35 岁 | 16(18) | |
36 岁 | 14(14) | |
37 岁 | 12(10) | |
38 岁 | 10(6) | |
39 岁 | 8(4) | |
40 岁 | 6(2) | |
41 岁 | 4(0) | |
42 岁 | 2(0) | |
43岁及以上 | 0(0) | |
Factor 4. 语言(Language proficiency) | 最高22分(Maximum = 22) | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数 | |
4.1 法语(French)最高16分 | a. 听说(oral interaction) | 0-14(0-16) |
b. 读写(written comprehension) | 0-2(0) | |
4.2 英语(English)最高6分 | a. 听说(oral interaction) | 0-4(0-6) |
b. 读写(written comprehension) | 0-2(0) | |
Factor 5. Stay and family in Québec(魁北克停留及魁北克亲属) | 最高8分(Maximum = 8) | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数 | |
5.1 Stay in Quebec(魁北克停留) 最高5分 | (a) 学习一学期 to study for 1 regular full-time semester | 5(4) |
(b) 学习2学期 to study for 2 regular full-time semesters | 5(6) | |
(c) 工作3个月及以上 to work for at least 3 months | 5(4) | |
(d) 工作6个月以上to work for at least 6 months | 5(6) | |
(e) 3个月以上工作性质的青年交换项目 as part of a youth exchange program contemplated by an international agreement made by Québec or an international agreement made by Canada, if work was the main activity for at least 3 months | 5(新增) | |
(f) 6个月以上工作性质的青年交换项目as part of a youth exchange program contemplated by an international agreement made by Québec or an international agreement made by Canada, if work was the main activity for at least 6 months | 5(新增) | |
(g) 一星期的商业考察 for business for at least 1 week | 0(0) | |
(h) 其他停留二星期以上other stay for at least 2 weeks | 1(1) | |
(i) 其他停留三个月以上other stay for at least 3 months | 2(2) | |
5.2 魁北克亲属 最高3分 | (a) 配偶或事实配偶 spouse or de facto spouse | 3(3) |
(b) 兄弟姐妹,父母son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister | 3(3) | |
(c) 祖父母 grandfather or grandmother | 3(3) | |
(d) 姑叔舅姨,侄子侄女 uncle or aunt, nephew or niece | 0(0) | |
Factor 6. 配偶 Characteristics of the accompanying spouse or de facto spouse | Maximum = 17 | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数 | |
6.1 教育级别 Education Level 最高4分(Maximum = 4) | (a) 普通高中 secondary school general diploma | 1(0) |
(b) 职业高中 secondary school vocational diploma | 2(2) | |
(c) 2年制普通大专 postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies | 1(1) | |
(d) 1 年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies | 2(2) | |
(e) 2年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies | 2(2) | |
(f) 3年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies | 3(3) | |
(g) 一年制本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies | 1(1) | |
(h) 2年制本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies | 2(2) | |
(i) 3年以上本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 3 or more years of full-time studies | 3(3) | |
(j) 1年以上硕士 master's degree attesting to 1 or more years of full-time studies | 4(3) | |
(k) 博士 doctorate | 4(3) | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数 | |
6.2 受训领域 Areas of training 最高4分 | Section A of area I | 4 |
Section B of area I | 3 | |
Section C of area I | 2 | |
Section D of area I | 1 | |
Section E of area I | 0 | |
Section F of area I | 0 | |
Section G of area I | 0 | |
Section A of area II | 4 | |
Section B of area II | 3 | |
Section C of area II | 2 | |
Section D of area II | 1 | |
Section E of area II | 0 | |
Section F of area II | 0 | |
Section G of area II | 0 | |
6.3 工作 (Professional Experience) | 6-11个月 | 0(1) |
12月及以上 | 0(1) | |
6.4 年龄(Age) | 18 - 35 岁 | 3(3) |
36 岁 | 2(2) | |
37 岁 | 2(2) | |
38 岁 | 2(2) | |
39 岁 | 2(1) | |
40 岁 | 1(1) | |
41 岁 | 1(0) | |
42 岁 | 1(0) | |
43 岁及以上 | 0(0) | |
6.5 语言能力(Language Proficiency) 最高6分 | (a) 法语听说oral interaction in French | 0-6(0-6) |
(b) 法语读写 written comprehension in French | 0(0) | |
Factor 7. 有效工作offer Validated employment offer | 最高10分 | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数 | |
7.1 蒙特利尔大都市地区有效工作offer Validated employment offer in the metropolitan area of Montréal | 6(5) | |
7.2 蒙特利尔以外地区有效工作offer Validated employment offer outside the metropolitan area of Montréal | 10(10) | |
Factor 8. 子女Children | 最高8分 | |
标准(Criteria) | 分数 | |
8.1 12岁及以下 for each child 12 years of age or younger | 4(4) | |
8.2 13-21 岁 | 2(2) | |
Factor 9. 财政自足能力 Financial self-sufficiency | 签协议 | Maximum = 1 |
最低1分(Cutoff score = 1) | Making of a contract | 1(1) |
Factor 10. 适应能力 Adaptability | 2015年8月后已经不加分 (原先0-6),最高0分 Maximum = 0 |
初选阶段 (Preliminary processing) | 适用项 (APPLICABLE FACTORS) | 通过分 (PASSING SCORE) | 最高分 (MAXIMUM) |
单身 | 除6(配偶)和10(适应能力)外的所有项总分(All, except 6 and 10) | 49(53) | 101(106) |
最低要求(Employability cutoff score) 1-7项,除6项(配偶)总分 total of factors 1 to 7, except 6 | 42(50) | 92(87) | |
已婚 | 除10项外的所有项总分 All, except 10 | 57(60) | 117(124) |
最低要求(Employability cutoff score)1-7 项总分 (total of factors 1 to 7) | 50(57) | 108(105) | |
甄选阶段(Selection) | 使用项 | 通过分 | 最高分 |
单身 | 除6项的分数之和(All, except 6) | 49 可以免面试直接通过(55) | 107(114) |
已 | 所有评分项分数之和(All) | 57 可以免面试直接通过(63) | 123(132) |
注: 分数栏括号中的分数是调整前(2006-10-16)发布的评分标准中对应分值
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