Tea Cosy Cocktails 穿毛衣的茶壶鸡尾酒来了!

2016年07月28日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材

This Thursday, The Arthouse will be hosting its Tea Pot Cocktail event with a new addition to the repertoire. This week we bring you the "Pot of Illusions", a cocktail that is sure to get the fire in the belly raging. Come along and have a spot of "tea" with friends.


The Irish Elk爱尔兰麋鹿

Jameson Whisky, Penfolds Club Port, Simple Syryp, Angostura Bitters, Egg White and a dash of Soda.

The Jager-Cider野格-苹果酒

Jagermeister, Somesby Cider and a slice of lemon.

The Pimmlet飘仙壶

Muddled mint, cucumber and orange, shaken with Pimms and Gin. Served with a dash of Sprite.

Pot of Illusions (NEW) 幻想之壶

Have a cocktail that tastes like there is no alcohol whatsoever, but beware....

Midori, White Rum, Triple Sec, Vodka and Pineapple Juice.

Starting at 5:30pm to late this Thursday 周四晚5点半开始就可以喝到哦,快叫上好基友们一起来刷朋友圈骗大家你在“喝茶”吧!

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