瓜妈的话:过完年,一切回到正轨。学生们读书,考试,找实习,追工作,希望大家心随所愿。本文是几年前杜克大学送给毕业生的14幅漫画,讲述了这所非常有特点, very spirited 的学校对学生的期许。
新年伊始,与大家共勉。And,Stick with it!
Stick with it
Stick with it.
Give back
Give back—serve from a sense of gratitude.
Be true to yourself
Be true to yourself. Be willing to learn and to be coachable.
Reading leads to inspiration
Read outside of your chosen field, read broadly, read enthusiastically. Creativity is a necessary life skill and some inspirations will come from unexpected sources.
Be kind
Be generous to other people.
Educated ≠ Smart
Never confuse being educated with being smart.
Stop and look back
As you move forward into the next stage of your life, do not forget to stop and look back to discover the meaning of where you have been. That will help you better understand who you are, where you may be heading, and how you can get there.
Embrace ambiguity
Don’t be afraid to diverge from your ‘plan.’ Embrace ambiguity. The uncertain and what may appear high risk in relationships, jobs and life is usually very cool and worthwhile.
This is your Life
Find a place where you can be challenged. Ask yourself: Am I proud of my work?
Reframe rejection
Learn to reframe rejection. Instead of seeing it as a shutdown, look at it as an opportunity to figure out why. Are you asking the wrong person? Have you not yet demonstrated you can handle the new responsibility? Over time, ‘no’ becomes just another opportunity to wait, learn and try again.
Respect people over job titles
Respect people over job titles. Everyone’s life has meaning.
Relationships matter
You will get the more satisfaction about the relationships you form than from the things you acquire.
No right or wrong
People always obsess over big decisions (e.g., which job/ position to accept), but really, tomorrow will always be a blur. Plan with calmness, and then take the leap in the direction you think is best, knowing that there will rarely be a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ but just a choice that leads to the next steps of life.
Pay close Attention
Pay close attention. This is your life.