Trivett Classic懂得,宝马车主都是完美主义者和天生的成功者,这意味着始终对团队与设备保持高标准要求。因此,Trivett Classic致力于提供并维护与宝马客户匹配的严格标准。
现在你可以轻松拥有你梦寐以求的宝马汽车,并享受BMW全系车型free on-roads优惠*:
您可以莅临我们的Trivett Classic Parramatta店或位于Penrith的新店。MD579
电话:(02) 9841 9079
地址:40-52 Church St, Parramatta NSW 2150
电话:(02) 9841 9079
地址:14 Jack Williams Dr, Penrith NSW 2750
*Free on-roads applies to new and demonstrator vehicles (excluding BMW M models) ordered and delivered between 26.12.16 and 28.02.17 and includes 12 months registration and CTP and stamp duty but excludes dealer delivery which varies between dealers. While stocks last. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Excludes fleet, government and rental buyers. Consult Trivett Classic BMW for further details