论何为一篇8+范文?8.26 Task 2范文双手奉上!还不快快拿走?

2017年08月30日 无忧小雅哥

2017.08.26 A类Task 2范文

In some countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that it is the responsibility of governments to solve the problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Increasing number of health issues are prevalent in young children in recent times. It is believed by some people that governments are liable to resolve this issue. I agree with this belief to some extent as in my opinion, this situation is the responsibility of both, the government, the society and individuals.

[Key Vocabulary]

liable: adj. 有责任的,有义务的,易…的

be liable to do (something): 

1. 有义务(做某事);2. 易于; 3. 常常会(做某事)

e.g.: Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others. 

Firstly, as the government is responsible for maintaining as well as improving the economic growth of its country, it must ensure steps in managing and enhancing the health of its youth. Unhealthy children would mean an unhealthy future generation of a nation, which would result in a slowdown of the economy as a whole. For example, an adult suffering from diabetes since a young age would not be able to consistently work efficiently as he would constantly feel lethargy and weakness. 

[Key Vocabulary]

slowdown: n. 减速,怠工,放慢

e.g.: Any sign of slowdown bodes poorly for the overall economy and investor sentiment.

suffer from:


e.g.: The children of addicts who suffer from neglect should be society’s biggest concern. 

consistently: adv. 一致地,一贯地,始终如一地

e.g.: Family members, colleagues and employers of all the detained have consistently denied the allegations.

constantly: adv. 不断地,时常地

e.g.: The human body is constantly bombarded with foreign microorganisms and antigens, a battle that triggers inflammation response. 

lethargy:  ['leθədʒɪ]; n. 昏睡,倦怠,无精打采

e.g.: Amphetamine users can become dependent on the drug, and withdrawal symptoms can cause depression and lethargy.

However, health management in children is also the duty of the society and its individuals. Health issues in kids would get worse with age and might result in other severe diseases such as heart disorders and high blood pressure. These ailments can then be passed through generations and create a pool of unhealthy individuals in the community. As a result, parents as well as other adults need to instil the importance of lifestyle and health management among young children in order to equip them with long-term health consciousness. For instance, a family that follows a healthy routine and fitness regime would cultivate these good habits in their offspring and other kids, and prevent these young children succumbing to health problems.

[Key Vocabulary]

ailment: n. 小病,小恙

e.g.: The pharmacist can assist you with the treatment of common ailments.

instil: Vt. 逐渐灌输,to teach someone to think, behave, or feel in a particular way over a period of time

e.g.: A manager’s job is to instil determination into his players.

equip sb. with: 


e.g.: We should equip our child with a good education.

regime: n. 政权,制度,养生之道

fitness regime: 健身计划

e.g.: Participants need to ensure that they do not overdo it, particularly when starting a new health and fitness regime.

succumb: [sə'kʌm], Vi. 屈服,患重病,死于 (某疾病)

e.g.: About 400,000 Americans succumb each year to smoking-related illnesses.

In conclusion, I agree to some extent that governments are responsible for solving the problem of unhealthy and overweight children. But, society and its individuals also play a critical role in overcoming this situation. 





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