新学年新挑战—拓展训练 Fighting!

2017年08月29日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

新学年挑战拓展训练 Fighting


    In the early morning on August 24th 2017, Changchun Experimental High School international division students of Grade10, Grade11 and some Grade12 with their teachers went to Xingye farmland to start their physical training.


The cool autumn wind cannot resist students and teachers’enthusiasm for training. Head teachers sent students to school bus and after they arrived, all of them have felt the strict atmosphere immediately. The trainer divided students into four groups and taught students about disciplines. Then, they did the ice-breaking game. Students chose their flag and team song.

十年级同学的第一个项目信任背摔,经过教官对注意事项的介绍之后,同学们各居各位担任起了自己的那份责任,无论手臂承受着多大的疼痛,同学们都在用更多努力咬牙坚持,无一人放弃。而因为十一年级和十二年级的同学已经有了一定的了解和默契,所以不同于十年级的学弟学妹,他们的第一个项目是穿越电网,它是由绳子组成的高低不同的九宫格,学生要根据策略和团队协作能力才能完成比赛。虽然过程很耗费体力也很费脑力,但是大家都很有成就感,团队士气也愈发高涨。 The first teamwork is trust fall. After the trainer did the instruction, everyone held the position of their responsibility. Though, they hearted, they did not give up. For grade11 and grade12, because they trust and know each other very well, the first item is through grid. Students need strategy and teamwork to complete the game, which cost their physical and mental strength, however, they experienced the sense of accomplishment and became more and more motivated.




When students finished the fist program, they had their lunch and rest. In the afternoon, grade10 students did the air bridge cut off. Grade 11 and grade12 students did the high ladder. Both the programs were high altitude training and need students to cooperate with each other. after finishing, trainers summarized the training and let students do the summary themselves.




In the evening we had the special evening class and attended campfire party, we did a lot of games and sang songs together. After the party, we went to sleep.



In the second day we got together at 6:30 and did the hiking activity. After breakfast, grade11 and grade12 did the most exciting game, i.e. the real CS match. Grade10 students did the top sped challenge game, which was hotly contested matches.




After lunch and rest, grade10 students did some small games. While grade11 and 12 students did the other teamwork games, which need them to cooperate very well. Finally, group Blue won and students were very happy and excited.

时间很快,十年级的最后一项也是最让人期待的一项毕业墙,而十一和十二年级也迎来了挑战极限的最终项目生命动力圈。这是两个都是非常有挑战性的项目,毕业墙需要学生在不借助任何外力的情况下翻越四米高的水泥墙。这需要团队的力量和奉献精神,学生们自行分配任务,长得较壮的男同学在底下做奠基,长得较高的男同学率先爬上墙顶,在上面往上拉拽下面的同学。而生命动力圈则需要所有人把一根绳子拉圆同起同坐,最后一起做2000次的手臂摆动;就这样大家团结协作, 互相帮助着,挑战着自己的极限,尽管下起了大雨,同学们也没有一个人退却,所有同学都成功完成任务,为这次拓展训练画上了圆满的句号。

How time flies. The last program for grade10 was climbing over the wall and for grade11 was dynamic circle, which were very challenging. Grade 10 students need to climb over the four meters wall without any help. It needs teamwork and dedication. Students assigned the tasks themselves and finished the game. Grade12 and grade11 students sat as a circle and held a rope for 2,000 time up and down. Everyone challenged their extremity and completed the task successfully.


在这次训练中,同学们都挑战了自我,增强了自信心,同时也收获了友谊,亲近了大自然。我们应该相信明天会更好, 就像谚语所说:你能做的比你想象得多。虽然拓展只有两天的时间,但是同学们学到了在学校里课堂上得不到的东西超越自我,拼搏奉献,团结互助,团队意识。希望所有学生们都能带着这样的精神和品质去勇敢迎接新学年的挑战!

    During the training, students challenge themselves, strengthen their confidence, gain their friendship and get close to the nature. We should believe that tomorrow is another day, just as saying goes“what you can is more than your imagination.”Though the training is only two days, students really  harvest what they cannot in the classroom-go over yourself, dedication, and teamwork. Hope everyone could carry these spirit and qualification to face new term’s challenge.


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