【中英双语澳洲新闻放送】| 消费者信心指数持续下滑 | 悉尼将打造世界级航空城 | 各州争抢中国留学生,澳洲面临文化转型

2017年08月29日 DNC澳洲求职










ANZ-Roy Morgan Australian Consumer Confidence down for third straight week to 109.2 (down 2.5pts)

消费者信心指数持续下滑,下降到109.2 的新低


ANZ-Roy Morgan Australian Consumer Confidence fell 2.2% last week, a relatively sharp drop which followed falls of 1.8% and 4% in the previous two weeks. bringing the index down to 109.2 from a high of 118.4 only three weeks earlier. The fall in sentiment was broad based, with four out of five sub-indices posting declines.


Last week the index fell by 2.2% —


ANZ消费者信心指数继续疲软,在上周急剧下跌 109.2,远低于三周前118.3水平,跌幅达到2.2% 。消费者的信心指数已经跌至2015年以来的最低水平。

If the latest ANZ-Roy Morgan weekly consumer confidence index is anything to go by, households are becoming increasingly concerned about the state of their finances and the broader economy.


Data for the survey is collected on the most recent weekend, and is based on around 1,000 face-to–face interviews.


While all of the major sub-indexes fell last week, consumers appear to be growing increasingly pessimistic on their future outlook.


Views towards current household finances fell by 2%. Looking ahead though, expectations for future financial conditions crashed by 5.3%.






Developments in Parliament could be partly to blame, according to ANZ’s head of Australian Economics, David Plank.


“The current controversy surrounding dual-citizenship in Parliament may have also weighed on sentiment, especially views about future economic conditions,” Plank said.

澳新银行澳大利亚经济分析师David Plank表示,最近议会中有关于双重国籍的争议也打击了市民对未来经济状况的信心。

But the low-wage growth story likely remains the key driver for weak consumer sentiment. Wage growth last week once again came in sluggish, and until Australians see some more money flowing through to the hip pocket consumer sentiment is likely to continue its divergence from other key indicators.


That’s the view of ANZ’s Plank, who noted that consumer confidence is now at its lowest level since 2015.


“Overall, despite a strong labour market and robust business conditions, we believe that any recovery in consumer confidence is likely to be capped until households experience a material acceleration in wage growth,” Plank said.


David Plank继续表示,虽然上周出台的就业数据强于预期,不过基于劳动力市场闲置产能等问题,未来的增长只能是渐进性地缓慢进行。目前整个澳大利亚劳动力市场依然高度松弛,薪资增长缓慢问题仍然存在。就业报告中80%类指数显示下降,个人财务状况不容乐观。工资疲软始终是影响消费者信心的主要原因。



NSW premier Gladys Berejijlian to make Badgerys Creek an 'aerotropolis'


NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian will consider creating a free economic zone around the Badgerys Creek airport to encourage global companies to move into an "aerotropolis", bringing high-quality engineering, robotics, defence and agribusiness jobs.


NSW will host an Aerotropolis 2026 summit in the middle of next year, calling for international investment proposals and ideas on how to build Badgerys Creek airport as an integrated new city that will boost the economy of western Sydney.


据《悉尼晨锋报》报道,新州州长Gladys Berejijlian表示,打算将Badgerys Creek正在建设的悉尼第二机场,建设成一个世界级的航空城。新州将在明年年中举行Aerotropolis 2026峰会, 将吸引来自世界各地的投资商,招揽不同的投资方案跟意见。目的为促成一个新的航空城的同时,也能推动悉尼西区的经济发展。


"This will change lives," she said, of the expected jobs boost from the aerotropolis.


Speaking an Incheon airport in Seoul, which is consistently ranked as the world's top airport, Ms Berejiklian said she wanted to model Badgerys Creek on Incheon aerotropolis, and learn from its successes and mistakes.


新州州长Gladys Berejijlian表示,航空城的发展将带动就业,提供大量的职位空缺,“那将会改变很多人的生活。” 她还说韩国首尔的仁川机场是全球顶尖的机场之一,所以她想让悉尼第二机场的发展以仁川机场为借鉴,吸取仁川机场在发展过程中的优点和缺点。


She will work with the federal government to consider offering tax incentives for global companies to move into the airport precinct.


"It is something innovative we can do to attract global players. I think they are interested anyway but that extra incentive would be worthwhile," she said.




Berejijlian说:“我们必须创新,才能吸引全球的投资者,相信 他们都会感兴趣的,那么额外的激励也是值得的。”


Free economic zones offer special conditions for foreign investors based in the zone, typically an airport or port.


The Incheon free economic zone offers corporate tax exemptions for foreign companies and educational and medical institutions for three to five years, depending on the industry and the level of investment.


Investing $1 million in research and development gains a three-year tax exemption, but the threshold is $5 million for medical institutes or $10 million for information or creative industries.


Incheon boasts an ice skating rink, casino, golf course and business park. It is also building 50,000 homes that are five-10 kilometres from the airport terminal and not under the flight path.


Ms Berejiklian said she hoped the airport construction and formation of the aerotropolis precinct could occur at the same time, and would push for planning approvals for both.


She said a decision had not yet been made on whether rail links would open at the same time as the airport. Incheon's experience was that two rail lines to the airport were not as well used as buses, she said.


Defence, aerospace, advanced manufacturing, freight and logistics, agribusiness, health, education and tourism companies would be invited to attend the summit.


"I don't know why we can't think big in terms of the amount of industry there," she said. She ruled out a casino.


Universities may also set up research and development hubs.


Incheon airport employs 50,000 people, but many more work in companies located in its business park and live at Sky City.


Seventy-five multinational companies are located near the airport in Incheon.


Around 60 million passengers travel through Incheon airport each year, compared to 35 million annually at Sydney Airport.



Education boom changing the face of cities’ centres




The $20 billion international education industry has transformed the face of the southern state capitals and created an unofficial race to attract Asian students.




Analysis of Australian ­Bureau of Statistics figures confirms that Melbourne’s CBD is facing the biggest cultural transformation in decades as higher education and cheap student accommodation attract mainly Chinese students in record numbers.


澳洲统计局的数字分析证实,由于高等教育和廉价学生住宅的的发展,吸引了很多的中国留学生,导致墨尔本市中心正面临几十年以来最大的文化转型 。


The soaring demand is also flowing into Adelaide’s CBD, where almost 30 per cent — or 4249 people — claim Chinese ­ancestry, only slightly behind central Sydney in total numbers.


The ABS breakdown supplied to The Australian also shows that central Brisbane and central Perth are lagging behind the other capitals in attracting the Chinese education dollar.


The figures show Melbourne’s CBD has 38 per cent of its population — almost 18,000 ­people — reporting Chinese ancestry.






The effect of this higher education-driven residency boom has been to transform central Melbourne, effectively super-­sizing the old Little Bourke Street-based Chinatown, with a heavy concentration of Chinese students in the CBD and beyond.


There are markedly more ­people in central Melbourne citing Chinese ancestry (38 per cent), with three times the number of responses for Chinese as there was for English.


这种由高等教育所带动居住热潮一直持续改变墨尔本市中心,特别是在唐人街所在的Little Bourke Street区域,大部分的中国学生都集中在CBD区域。


The international education industry is worth more than $20bn to Australia and in the City of Melbourne alone — which is larger than the CBD — there are 35,000 international students, with 175,000 in Victoria last year.




Australia China Business Council president John Brumby said the booming Chinese middle class was attracted to Australia for tourism and education, based in part on the clean air, orderly cities and desire by wealthy parents to provide the best for their children.


澳中国商务理事会主席John Brumby表示,中国蓬勃发展的中产阶级是澳洲旅游和教育所吸引的主要人群,部分原因包括清新的空气、有秩序的城市,以及要为孩子提供最好教育的想法。


“If we get things right and provide good, quality education and a good experience and value for money, the market will continue to grow,’’ Mr Brumby said.


The ABS data shows that the southern Sydney suburb of Hurstville has 55 per cent of its residents reporting Chinese ancestry, or 16,403 people.


Even so, this is still below the nearly 18,000 people reporting Chinese ancestry in Melbourne’s CBD, where Chinese is spoken in one in every three households, the ABS said.


Brumby 表示,相信继续为学生提供高质量的教育和学习经验,澳洲的教育市场会持续扩展。




参考网站:Business Insider,smh.com.au,TheAustralian,今日悉尼

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