1. Harvard University
项目:Terminal AMProgram in Statistics
背景要求:Theminimum mathematical preparation for admission to graduate study in statisticsis linear algebra and advanced calculus.Ideally, each student’s preparation should include at least one term each of mathematical probability and mathematical statistics.Additional study in statistics and related mathematical areas, such as analysis and measure theory, is helpful.
2. Columbia University
项目:M.A. inStatistics
Basic minimum preparation for the programshould include one semester of linear algebra withan in-depth coverage of relevant topics including matrices,vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, canonicalforms and their applications, and advanced calculus. Experience in theoretical or applied probability and statistics isadvantageous. Familiarity with computerprogramming, including some proficiency in SAS, R orPython is also helpful. Any lackin the prerequisites should be made up before applying.
3. Duke University
项目:Master's inStatistical Science
背景要求:M.S.students should also have a statistical science background, which includes:
Two semesters of an undergraduate,calculus-based probability and mathematical statisticssequence; One course in matrix algebra;One course in applied regression analysis; Some basicexperience with computation and data analysis
Prior exposure to formal programming, usingone or more of C, python, java, R, Matlab, etc.,is highly desirable
Exceptional students who may not have thiscomplete list of prerequisites but have compelling applications otherwise maybe admitted but will be required to complete additional intro-level courses
有C python javar matlab的经历。
4. Johns Hopkins University
项目:Master ofArts in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
背景要求:Amathematics background of at least 5 mathematicscourses beyond multivariable calculus, including at least two semesters ofproof-writing courses (such as analysis, abstract algebra or topology).
Prospective students for our graduateprograms should ideally have completed a Bachelor’s level degree inEngineering, Mathematics, the Sciences, Finance* or Economics*. In addition,candidates should ideally have completed undergraduate-level courses in
•Calculus, through multivariable calculus
•Linear algebra
•Differential equations
•Probability and statistics
•Microeconomics and macroeconomics*
•Computer programming (e.g., in C++)
•At least twoproof-writing courses
*Considered for applications for our MSE inFinancial Mathematics.
5. Rice University
项目:master ofscience (MS)-Statistics
Single and multivariablecalculus
Linear or matrix algebra
Probability and Statistics (Calculus-based)
Demonstratedknowledge of a high-level programming language, e.g. C/C++/C#,JAVA, Fortran, Matlab, R/S+, Python, etc. You should not apply if you have notsatisfied these prerequisites. However, you may apply if you are currentlytaking these courses, or plan to complete these requirements prior to youradmission. Preparatory classes are offered in the summers at Rice through Rice'sContinuing Education Program. Note that a background in non-calculus statisticsis helpful, but will not prepare you for this course of study.
6. University of California—Berkeley
项目:Master of Arts (MA)-Statistics
背景要求:1. Our typical admitted student has significant coursework in multivariable calculus, linear algebra, probability theory,theoretical and applied statistics, as well as at least one statistical system(such as R) or a computer language (such as Python).
2. Werequire applicants to submit both the statement of purpose AND personal historystatement.
除了要求SOP之外,还要Personalhistory statement的文书。
7. University of Michigan--Ann Arbor
项目:Masters degree in Applied Statistics
It isstrongly recommended that prospective students have a good background in calculus and linear algebra and have taken one course inprobability, one course in theoreticalstatistics and at least one in applied statistics. Students who have nottaken these prerequisite courses are generally required to take them in thefirst year of graduate study, with no credit toward the requirements for thedegree.
8. University of California-SantaBarbara
项目:Masters Degree in Statistics
背景要求:What classes are prerequisites for admission?
Allstudents admitted should have a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent inmathematics, statistics or a related field with significant quantitativecomponents. Coursework required for entering the graduate program includes ayear-long introduction to probability and statisticsusing calculus. The statistical theory course should include estimation, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals,regression, and ANOVA concepts. A linear algebra course that teaches vector spaces, bases, and eigenvalues is also required.
9. University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill
项目:Master of Statistics
背景要求:Applicants to the M.S. program should have completed basicundergraduate coursework in statistics and mathematics. All M.S. studentsshould have completed basic undergraduate coursework inintroductory statistics, multivariable calculus, linear and matrix algebra, andcalculus based probability. Students applying to the Statistics program should have taken an intermediate level undergraduate course in inference andregression (similar to STOR 455). Students interested in theoretical statistics or probability should haveprior coursework in advanced calculus or real analysis.
10.Boston University
项目:Master of Science in Statistical Practice
背景要求:The MSSP program actively seeks students with diverse educational backgroundsand career goals. MSSP courseworkrequires a solid foundation in calculus and corestatistics (either through previous coursework or equivalent work experience)plus some familiarity with computing (e.g., a one-semester programming course,experience in R, etc.). Exposure to probability andlinear algebra is beneficial.