
2017年08月31日 美国驻华大使馆

#EducationUSA说专业# 是什么使一样物品在镜头中特别漂亮?如果光线很糟糕,怎么表现这同一个物品?一张照片如果是用于商用,有可能超越商业用途,同时成为一件艺术品吗?作为一名摄影专业同学,你将有机会探索这些问题。 想知道摄影专业是否是你的菜?可以问自己以下问题:是否准备好了去学习一些标准技术的同时,拥有自己的风格?按下几百下快门,只为拍出一张完美的照片?去各种博物馆画廊去钻研其他摄影大师的作品?听取其他人对你作品的评判并不断进步?  如果想了解更多有关摄影专业的信息:


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#EducationUSA Talking Majors# Photography Major 

What makes an object beautiful? How can that same object be shown in a disturbing light? Can a photograph created for business purposes, such as a billboard, ever transcend commerce and become art? As a photography major, you'll explore such ideas. If you want to know whether photography is the right major for you, consider these questions: Are you ready to learn standard techniques as you develop your own style? Snap hundreds of photos while trying for a keeper? Visit museums and galleries to study other photographers? Listen to and learn from criticism of your work? Learn more about a major in photography: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/majors/arts-visual-performing-photography

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