【即将上市】Harewood区幸运草农庄 - 庄园、民宿生意及巨大开发潜力

2018年02月10日 新西兰芳地产




Harewood区幸运草农庄 - 庄园、民宿生意及巨大开发潜力

358  Sawyers Arms Road, Harewood

坐落于风景如画的基督城城郊,美丽宁静的Styx河畔,  Shamrock花园式庄园集多种功能于一身。极受追捧的地理位置、舒适宁静的庄园生活、自主经营的家庭生意以及巨大的开发潜力。

1.    占地面积3.6842 公顷,公园式的私家花园及私家河流

2.    建筑面积440平方米的豪华住宅,历史悠久,并于2002年重建,豪宅共包括6卧房、6卫浴、5个生活厅、2个餐厅、开放式厨房及独立双车库。

3.    成熟的 B&B家庭生意,具合法营业执照及网站。

4.    屋主已开始进行土地分割,计划分割为10块具独立产权TC2地块,资源许可已送市政府审批,正等待最后批准。

5.    方便的生活及交通条件,近国际机场、Willowbank野生动物园、Styx Mill自然保护区、餐厅、健身中心、咖啡店、购物中心及1号高速。





Shamrock Garden - Lifestyle, Business and Potential

358  Sawyers Arms Road, Harewood


Sitting on the picturesque fringe of Christchurch city, along the private tranquil Styx River,  this property is a unique opportunity to enjoy the highly sought-after convenient location, a home with generous living options and great development potential.

1.     3.6842 hectare land with established park-like garden and a private stream running through the garden.

2.     440 m2(approx.) splendid house, rebuilt in 2002, offers 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 5 living rooms, 2 dining rooms, open plan kitchen, free standing double garage.

3.     Mature and consented B&B business with website.

4.     Subdivision plan for 10 TC2 residential sections has been submitted to city council and waiting for final approval.

5.     In close proximity to International airport, Willowbank wildlife reserve, Styx Mill Conservation Reserve, restaurant, GYM, coffee shop,  shopping mall and State highway 1


Flexible purchase options available. You can either buy the whole property to enjoy the lifestyle living, run the B&B business and proceed the subdivision or secure a fabulous section to build a dream home, and more……


Call Jessie now to discuss your needs.


Price by negotiation





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