
Non-Americans take offense when someone says, "whatever" because it is insulting.除了美国人,一般人都很排斥听到“Whatever”这个词,因为这很无礼。If someone visiting the U.S. asks a question or makes a statement and gets "whatever" as a response, it means the person responding doesn't care what the foreigner has to say.如果某人在去美国的时候,问了一个问题或者说了什么话得到“Whatever”这个回答的话,就意味着回答他的那个人根本不在意他说了什么。When using this word, you're basically saying that you don't care what the person has to say.当你在用这个词的时候,你基本上是在说你根本不在意那个人说了什么。So please don't be rude and don't channel your inner "Clueless."

One popular but confusing phrase is, "you know."一个常用并且令人困惑的词就是“You Know.”A popular phrase among the American youth and valley girls, it can be really annoying to the listener, especially if he or she doesn't completely understand what you're talking about.这是个美国青年跟山谷女孩之间常用的词,对听者来说,这个词真的很烦,尤其是用在他或她没有完全明白你在说什么的时候。(*山谷女孩:原指上世纪80年代住在洛杉矶附近的富裕中产阶级女孩,现指这样一群女孩:她们说着加州山谷口音,生活空虚,物质主义。)Saying "you know" is like asking, "Are you listening?" or "Do you understand?" Just think how annoying that would be.说“You know”就好像是在说:“你有在听吗?”或者“你听明白了吗?”只要想想就知道有多招人烦了。

When people hear this term, they feel like they have to defend what they're saying and explain it further.别人听到这个词的时候,会觉得自己必须要为自己的话辩解,于是解释得更多。Foreigners consider the term "no way" as an ignorant response because the person can't think of anything else to say.外国人觉得“No way”这个词是一种无视别人的回答,因为这个词会让别人无话可说。Responding with "no way" basically means that you don't believe what a person is telling you.用“No way”这个词回答,基本上就意味着你不相信那个人所说的话。

The traditional use of the word "like" is a synonym for "such as" or as a verb but the overuse of the word as a meaningless filler is very annoying to foreigners.“Like”传统上是“比如”的同义词或者用作动词,但是过度使用这个词作为没有意义的过度,就会让外国人觉得很烦。For instance, if you said, "He worked like 15 hours straight," a foreigner would consider this a bad habit or careless way of speaking.比如说,如果你说:“他工作了有(like)15个小时,”外国人就会认为你这是一种不好的习惯或者是一种不严谨的说话方式。

"Good luck with that" is a dismissive phrase that means you don't care what happens and you're glad it's not you that has to deal with the problem.“祝你好运”是一个很不屑的短语,意思是你根本不在乎会发生什么或者你很高兴遇到麻烦的那个人不是你。It offers no help to the person who has the problem and you're brushing them off instead of helping.这句话不仅不会给遇到困难的人带来任何帮助,反而会打击到他们。

Foreigners consider "my bad" as an easy out, rather than a sincere apology for a mistake.外国人认为“我的错”很容易说出口,而不是因为犯错了而真心道的歉。If you do something that's wrong or made a mistake and you say, "my bad," you're telling the other person to get over it and move on.如果你做错了什么事或者犯了什么错,然后你说“我的错”的话,你就是在告诉别人忘掉过去往前看。Foreigners find this response rude and uncaring.
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.
