
2018年01月18日 走遍美国



 Phantom Thread

There is no more dynamic director-actor combination than Paul Thomas Anderson and Daniel Day-Lewis (see There Will Be Blood for proof) and they have created a stunningly rich new work. Day-Lewis, who has threatened to make this his last acting role, plays a 1950s London-based fashion designer who demands total control. Lesley Manville plays his devoted sister and business partner, and newcomer Vicky Krieps the woman he can’t resist. Yes, it is elegantly made and full of extravagant clothes, but this psychological drama is really about obsession, love and tortured relationships. The movie starts 2018 off with a high-art triumph.


没有比保罗·托马斯·安德森和丹尼尔·戴刘易斯更有活力的导演+演员的阵容了。如今,他们二人又出了非常棒的新作品。戴刘易斯放言说这将会是他最后一部作品,片中他饰演的是一个50年代控制力极强的伦敦时装设计师。Lesley Manville饰演他的妹妹以及他忠实的商业伙伴。新人Vicky Krieps扮演的是一位他无法抗拒的女人。没错,这是一部风格优雅,充满了奢华漂亮衣服的片子,但这部心理剧其实是关于迷恋,爱情以及相互之间折磨人的关系。这部电影将在2018年以一种高艺术的姿态展示在我们眼前。


 A Wrinkle in Time

Ava DuVernay made history when she signed on for this adaptation of Madeleine L’Engle’s classic novel, becoming the first woman of colour to direct a movie with a $100m budget. But she is much more than a headline. One of the most accomplished, daring film-makers around, she can be inspirational without becoming sappy, as the movie’s vibrant, action-filled trailer suggests. And who else could have lined up Oprah Winfrey, Mindy Kaling and Reese Witherspoon as Mrs Which, Mrs Who and Mrs Whatsit? Young Storm Reid plays the scientifically-savvy heroine, Meg, who travels through time and space to find her lost father.


当艾娃·德约列签下这部玛德琳的经典小说改编而来的电影,她就创造了历史。她是第一位以一亿美元的预算执导电影的黑人女性,但她的名号远远超过一个新闻标题。她是世界上最有才最大胆的导演之一,这部电影充满了活力和行动力,从预告片中可以看出导演没有愚弄观众而是在鼓舞人心。另外,除了她还有谁能够让奥普拉温弗饰演夫人”,明迪·卡灵饰演“谁夫人”,让瑞茜·威瑟斯彭饰演啥夫人呢?还有年轻演员Storm Reid饰演的梅格是一个位科学女强人,片中她为了找到自己的父亲,展开一场时光大冒险。


 Solo: A Star Wars Story

A standalone movie about Han Solo as a young man is attention-grabbing enough, but this film also comes with brain-exploding behind-the-scenes drama. The original directors, Phil Lord and Chris Miller (The Lego Movie), were let go nearly five months into shooting. Ron Howard, who seems like such a perfect match it’s a wonder he hasn’t made a Star Wars movie before, wrapped up the job. One simple fact: it’s a prequel, set before the events of the 1977 original. Alden Ehrenreich, not the most obvious choice as the younger version of Harrison Ford, gives us the hero as a protégé smuggler, with Woody Harrelson as his thieving mentor. 




 Mary, Queen of Scots

Lady Bird meets Tonya Harding in the 16th Century. In this historical drama, Saoirse Ronan plays the young, powerful, confident Mary Stuart, ruler of Scotland, who tries to wrestle the English throne away from her cousin, Elizabeth I, played by Margot Robbie. The screenplay is by House of Cards creator Beau Willimon, who knows something about political intrigue. Josie Rourke is a first-time film-maker but one of the most exciting stage directors working today. In addition to glorious setting and costumes, expect plenty of contemporary resonance in this tale of smart, powerful women staking their claims in a man’s world. 




 First Man

Damien Chazelle’s new film couldn’t be more different from La La Land, except for Ryan Gosling, who stars as Neil Armstrong, the first man to land on the moon. The story covers nearly a decade of the 1960s, as Nasa and Armstrong prepare for a risky mission whose success was never certain until it happened. Like Apollo 13, First Man is one of those space stories where the audience knows the ending but the characters don’t. A positive sign in addition to Chazelle and Gosling: the screenplay is by Josh Singer, who co-wrote Spotlight and The Post, two surprisingly suspenseful recreations of real-life events. 


达米恩·查泽雷的新电影和他的爱乐之城完全不同,除了担任主演的还是瑞恩·高斯林。在这部影片中,瑞恩·高斯林扮演的是第一位登上月球的尼尔·阿姆斯特朗。这个故事涵盖了上世纪60年代的近10年,当时Nasa和阿姆斯特朗正在为一项危险的任务做准备,而这项任务能否成功在真正实践之前是完全不确定的。同Apollo 13一样,First Man这部电影是一部观众们早已知晓结局但演员并不知道的宇宙空间故事。除了查泽雷和高斯林,影片还有一个惊喜的地方,那就是这部影片的编剧是曾经合作编写《聚焦》和《华盛顿邮报》的乔希· 辛格,这两部出乎意料的作品都重现了真实的生活事件。


Red Sparrow

Jennifer Lawrence ventures into Jason Bourne territory as a Russian ballet dancer who becomes Red Sparrow, the most seductive spy since Mata Hari, trained to use body and mind against her enemies. Lawrence is joined by some brilliant actors, including Charlotte Rampling, Jeremy Irons and Joel Edgerton as a CIA agent who presumably tries to out-seduce Red Sparrow. At the very least, this popcorn movie should help banish the ghost of Lawrence’s previous film, the fiasco that was Mother! Francis Lawrence, who directed her in several Hunger Games movies, seems like a good fit for a story that could be Katniss: The Dark Side. 


詹妮弗·劳伦斯饰演一名俄罗斯芭蕾舞演员冒险进入Jason Bourne的领地,但她的真实身份是红雀——自玛塔·哈里(荷兰舞女,历史上最富传奇色彩的女间谍之一)以来最为性感的女间谍,她利用自己的身体和智慧对抗她的敌人。一些非常优秀的演员也加入这部电影的制作,比如夏洛特·汉普林,杰里米·艾恩斯,还有乔尔·埃哲顿,在片中他饰演一名试图引诱红雀的CIA特工。这部商业电影,至少能够消除先前劳伦斯票房幽灵的称号,她先前执导的《母亲》简直惨败!詹妮弗·劳伦斯还曾参演过《饥饿游戏》系列,看来似乎她很适合像凯特尼斯这类黑暗面的故事。








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