University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学
University of Sydney 悉尼大学
University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学
University of Adelaide 阿德莱德大学
Monash University 莫纳什大学
University of Queensland 昆士兰大学
University of Southern Queensland 南昆士兰大学
Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学
Flinders University 弗林德斯大学
Griffith University 格里菲斯大学
Macquarie University 麦考瑞大学
University of Wollongong 卧龙岗大学
University of Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚大学
RMIT University 墨尔本皇家理工学院
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) 昆士兰科技大学
Bond University 邦德大学
University of Technology Sydney 悉尼科技大学
University of New England 新英格兰大学
Curtin University of Technology 柯廷科技大学
University of Newcastle 纽卡索大学
James Cook University (JCU) 詹姆斯·库克大学
Central Queensland University 中央昆士兰大学
University of Canberra 堪培拉大学
Deakin University 迪肯大学
University of Notre Dame 诺特·丹密大学
Swinburne University of Technology 斯温伯恩科技大学
University of South Australia 南澳大利亚大学
University of Western Sydney 西悉尼大学
Australian Catholic University 澳大利亚天主教大学
University of Ballarat 巴拉腊特大学
Charles Sturt University 查尔斯·斯塔大学
Edith Cowan University 伊迪·科安大学
Southern Cross University 南十字星大学
Victoria University of Technology 维多利亚科技大学
Charles Darwin University 查尔斯·达尔文大学
Australian Film Television and Radio Schoo l澳大利亚电影电视广播学院
Australian International Hotel School澳大利亚国际旅游饭店管理学院
Australian Cambridge International College澳大利亚剑桥国际学院
La Trobe University 拉托贝大学
University of Western Australia 西澳大利亚大学
Murdoch University 默多克大学
I.D.E.A. The Institute for Design andEntertainment in the Arts I.D.E.A设计及娱乐艺术学院
Caberra Institude of Technology
Hunter Institute of Technolog
Illawarra Institute of TAFE
New England Institute of TAFE
North Coast Institute of TAFE
Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE
Riverina Institute of TAFE
South Western Sydney Institute of TAFE
Sydney Institute of Technology
Western Institute of TAFE
Western Sydney Institute of TAFE
Northern Territory Charles Darwin University
BarrierReef Institute of TAFE
BrisbaneNorth Institute of TAFE (including TAFE Open Learning)
CentralQueensland Institute of TAFE
GoldCoast Institute of TAFE
MetropolitanSouth Institute of TAFE
MountIsa Institute of TAFE
SkillsTech Australia
SouthbankInstitute of Technology
SouthernQueensland Institute of TAFE
Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE
The Bremer Institute of TAFE
Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE
Wide Bay Institute of TAFE
Adelaide Institute of TAFE
Douglas Mawson Institute of TAFE
Murray Institute of TAFE
Onkaparinga Institute of TAFE
Regency Institute of TAFE
Spencer Institute of TAFE
Torrens Valley Institute of TAFE
The Institute of TAFE Tasmania
Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE
Box Hill Institute of TAFE
Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE
Chisholm Institute of TAFE
East Gippsland Institute of TAFE
Gordon Institute of TAFE
Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE
Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
Kangan Batman Institute of TAFE
Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE
RMIT University (TAFE Division)
South West Institute of TAFE
Sunraysia Institute of TAFE
Swinburne University of Technology (TAFEDivision)
University of Ballarat (TAFE Division)
The University of Melbourne Institute of Landand Food Resources (TAFE Division)
Victoria University (TAFE Division)
William Angliss Institute of TAFE
Wodonga Institute of TAFE
Central West College of TAFE
Challenger TAFE
Curtin University of Technology
CY O'Connor College of TAFE
Great Southern TAFE
Kimberley College of TAFE
Pilbara TAFE
Polytechnic West College of TAFE
South West Regional College of TAFE
TAFE International Western Australia
West Coast College of TAFE
公司地址:Suite 1008, Level 10, 155 King Street, Sydney
QQ: 2425988072