美商会(重庆)美国商务签证说明会成功举办 (内附申请赴美签证Tips)

2018年08月31日 西南美国商会


On August 22, 2018, the American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China Chongqing Branch and the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu successfully held the U.S. Business Visa Briefing at Hyatt Regency Chongqing.


AmCham members, partners and local government representatives participated in the event and had in-depth exchange of views with officials from the Visa Service, Commercial Service and Economic and Political Service of the U.S. Consulate on issues concerning U.S. visa, business exchange and Sino-U.S. trade and economic relations.

活动回顾 Event Recap


Mr. Benjamin Wang, Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China, delivered an opening speech expressing special thanks to the U.S.Consulate General in Chengdu for its strong support to AmCham over the years. Mr. Francis Peters, the Principal Commercial Officer of the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, welcomed everyone and introduced the responsibilities of the Commercial Service.


Then, consular officer at the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu provided detailed information on the consular mission, U.S. visa types and visa statistics. The officer also helped clarify some myths concerning visa application and provided tips for future applicants.


The guests all relished the lively atmosphere of the event. Participants actively asked questions which were answered carefully by consular officers.


AmCham, as the economic bridge between China and the United States, has been making efforts to promote Sino-U.S. commerce and trade, and we will continue to hold beneficial events in the future. Look forward to seeing you around!


Tips for Reference

1. 近年来,中国居民对赴美签证需求增加,拒签率降低。

In recent years, Chinese residents’ demand of U.S. visa increases while visa refusal rate has been declined.

2. 根据数据统计,今年成都美领馆的拒签率并没有改变(有谣言说拒签率在上升)。

According to statistics, the U.S. visa refusal rate is unchanged this year in Chengdu (There are myths that the refusal rate is rising).

3. 每65名赴美游客能为美国旅游相关产业创造一份工作。

Every 65 visitors to the United States supports one job in travel and tourism-related industries.

4. 不会根据申请人的身份,性别,婚姻状况来评判申请人。

The Consulate do not judge applicants by province/gender/marital status but as individuals.


5. 去年10月开始,申请人照片不能配戴眼镜,不能配戴有色美瞳,如有特殊需求需要配戴眼镜,需要相关机构的证明。

Since last October, new photo requirements include: no eyeglasses or colored contact lenses. If there is a special need to wear glasses, proofs issued by relevant institutions should be provided.


6. 如旧护照已过期,请携带新护照及旧护照上的有效美国签证入境。

If your old passport has expired, please bring your new passport and your old one with a valid U.S. visa to enter the country.


7. 请谨慎填写EVUS信息,特别是需要旅行社或他人代填的情况下,请确认信息准确无误,否则有可能会造成签证的重新申请。

Be careful with EVUS, especially if you need a travel agent or someone else to submit the enrollment on your behalf. Please confirm the information is correct otherwise it may result in re-application of the visa.


8. EVUS注册信息每两年需要更新一次,如果期间不需要去美国,EVUS信息不用去官网更新。

EVUS registration information needs to be updated every two years; if you do not have any travel plan to the U.S. in between, you do not need to update EVUS information on the official website.


9. 请按正常计划及流程申请赴美签证,签证通过率不会因为特定的时间段而增加或降低。 

Please follow the procedure to apply for the U.S. visa on your normal plan, the visa approval rate will not increase or decline for a certain time period.


In addition, AmCham provides convenient and efficient U.S. visa interview appointments service for corporate members. For more information, please consult AmCham office.

Chengdu Headquarters


T: +86 28 8526 8761

E: [email protected]


Chongqing Office


T: +86 23 6776 7739

E: [email protected]

特别感谢 Special Thanks


AmCham member Hyatt Regency Chongqing

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