
2014年10月31日 澳洲移民置业解惑

《时光倒流七十年》改编自美国20世纪伟大作家Richard Matheson发表于1976年的小说《Bid Time Return》,男主角李察是一名成功的剧作家,某日造访一家旅馆时,看到女演员艾丝的照片,她曾在1912年时待在这家旅馆。李察被这张照片深深吸引,无法自拔。他以自我催眠的方式,回到了1912年,终于找到了念念不忘的艾丝,两人很快的坠入了情网。影片的主题曲最终和本片一样成为了经典,它的完整题名为《帕格尼尼主题狂想曲》。。。


“The man of my dreams has almost faded now. The one I have created in my mind. The sort of man each woman dreams of in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart. I can almost see him now before me. What would I say to him, if he were really here? Forgive me, I've never known this feeling. I've lived without it all my life. Is it any wonder then I failed to recognize you? You -- who brought it to me for the first time. Is there any way that -- that I can tell you how my life has changed? Any way at all to let you know what sweetness you've given me? There is so much to say. . . I cannot find the words. Except for these -- I love you! ”



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