多莉·艾莫丝(Tori Amos),八度提名葛莱美奖的美国歌手、钢琴家和词曲创作人。Tori Amos的歌曲属于小众类型,歌词的题材很广,包括性、宗教、父系社会制度、女性主义和个人的不幸经历等。华人歌手王菲、孙燕姿、许茹芸和王菀之等人都曾翻唱过《Silent All These Years》等Tori Amos的知名作品。她同时也是女性主义的长期拥护者。
TORI AMOS原名ELLEN AMOS,1964年出生在美国北卡罗来纳州,后移居马里兰。小AMOS有一个墨守成规的父亲和一个善于持家的母亲,他们在AMOS2岁半的时候就发现了她的音乐天赋,开始培养她练习钢琴。到了4岁那年,小AMOS就已经能够熟练地弹奏莫扎特等人的名曲了。 AMOS的父亲坚持要让她接受正规的传统音乐教育。6岁那年,AMOS的父母就把她带到巴尔的摩著名的JOHNS HOPKINS大学学习古典音乐,但AMOS在这座音乐象牙塔内的生活过得并不开心。“并不是说我在那儿什么也没学到”她说,“而是学得不够。我还想学作曲,并渴望接触更贴近生活的流行音乐。”AMOS被勒令退学,原因是她一直醉心于创作流行音乐。AMOS的音乐教师PARICIASPRINGER曾这样评价过她:“她是个个性倔强的小姑娘,会用自己的一套理论去诠释音乐,这真令人吃惊。从一开始我便知道这个学校是想留也留不住她的。”
就这样,从13岁到21岁,AMOS在酒吧中弹了8年钢琴。8年后,她把自己的名字改为TORI AMOS,并来到大地市洛杉矾追寻自己的理想--“成为一个摇滚歌手”,她父亲这样说,“她从11岁起就一直嚷着要成为一个摇滚歌手。”
就在这时,发生了一件很不幸的事--AMOS被她多年以来一直很信任的好友强奸了。这事不仅在AMOS的心灵上留下了重创,也影响了她以后的音乐创作。 AMOS曾说过这样一句话:“被人爱对我而言并非是最重要的,被人尊重才是我的追求。”音乐使AMOS找到了一个自由的空间表达她想表达的一切。通过音乐,AMOS实现了她的梦想,同时也获得了爱与尊重。
excuse me but can i be you for a while | |
抱歉,我能否扮演一会你的角色 | |
my dog won't bite you if you sit real still | |
只要你真的坐好我的狗就不咬人 | |
i got the anti-christ in the kitchen yellin at me again | |
厨房里的异教徒再次对着我吼叫 | |
yeah i can hear that been saved again by the garbage truck | |
垃圾车再一次的救了我 | |
i got something to say you know but nothing come | |
有话要说,却不曾启齿 | |
yes i know what you think of me you never shut up | |
但你却从不住口 | |
yeah i can hear that but what if i'm mermaid | |
就算我是美人鱼 | |
in these jeans of his with her name still on it hey | |
穿着他的牛仔裤,上面却仍留着她的名字 | |
but i don't care | |
但是我不在乎 | |
cause somtimes i said sometimes | |
因为有时候,我是说,有时候 | |
i hear my voice and it's been | |
我听见了我心底的声音 | |
here | |
就是这里 | |
silent all these years | |
已沉默了多年 | |
so you found a girl who thinks really deep thought | |
这么说你找到了那个深思熟虑的女孩了? | |
小子你最好祈祷我的血尽快流完 | |
what's so amazing about really deep thought | |
我的呐喊消失在纸杯中 | |
how's that thought for ya boy you best pray that i bleed real soon | |
你曾说呐喊消失的地方就是天堂 | |
i got 25 bucks and cracker do you think it's enough to get us there cause | |
而我有25块钱和一块饼干 | |
what if i'm a mermaid my scream got lost in a paper cup | |
就算我是美人鱼 | |
in these jeans fo his with her name still on it hey | |
穿着他的牛仔裤,上面却仍留着她的名字 | |
i don't care cause sometimes | |
我不在乎是什么时候 | |
you think ther s heaven where some | |
但是我不在乎 | |
i said sometimes | |
screams have gone | |
因为有时候,我是说,有时候 | |
i hear my voice and it's beenhere | |
就在这 | |
silent all these years | |
已沉默了多年 | |
go by will i still be waiting for somebody else to understand | |
时光流逝我还会等待吗等待有个人能了解我 | |
years go by will i'm stripped of my beauty and the orange cloud raining in my head | |
时光流逝如果我的美丽不再橘色的云在我头顶下起暴风雨 | |
years go by will i choke on my tears till finally there is nothing left | |
时光流逝我是否应哽咽住泪水直到最后无泪可流 | |
one more casualty you know we're too easy easy easy | |
你知道我都是那样的容易受伤 | |
well i love the way we communicate | |
是的,我喜欢我们的沟通方式 | |
your eyes focus on my funny lip shape | |
你的双眼正盯着我奇怪的唇型看 | |
let's hear what you think of me now | |
让我们听听你现在对我的看法 | |
but baby don't look up | |
亲爱的,请不要抬头 | |
the sky is falling | |
天空正在下垂 | |
your mother shows up in a rasty dress | |
你的母亲穿着恶心的裙子出现 | |
it's your turn now to stand where i sand | |
现在轮到你来扮演我的角色了 | |
everybody lookinnnn' at you | |
每个人都在看着你 | |
here take a hold of my hand | |
来,牵住我的手 | |
yeah i can hear them | |
是的,我听见他们说 | |
but what if i'm a mermaid | |
就算我是美人鱼 | |
in these jeans of yours with her name still on it hey | |
穿着他的牛仔裤,上面却仍留着她的名字 | |
but i don't care cause sometimes i said sometimes | |
但是我不在乎因为有时候,我是说,有时候 | |
i hear my voice i hear my voice | |
我听见了我心底的声音 | |
i've been hear | |
就在这 | |
silent all these years | |
已沉默了多年 | |
silent all these years | |
已沉默了多年 | |
silent all these years | |
已沉默了多年 |