北京活动:我的家乡:犹他州,9月10日,周一, 晚6:30

2018年09月01日 美国驻华大使馆


我的家乡:犹他州My Home State: Utah

910日,周一,630-August 13th, Monday, 6:30pm






预约详情: http://www.wanshe.cn/orders/view/26241


Stretching from the red rock deserts of the south, to thegreat Rocky Mountains of the north, the State of Utah is full of natural beautyand economic diversity. First explored by famous mountain men and settled bypioneers, Utah has become a center of economic investment and culturalinteraction welcoming visitors from all over the world. Come to the BeijingAmerican Center to learn about all of the exciting opportunities for adventureavailable in the great state of Utah!


This program will be conducted in English.


To RSVP: http://www.wanshe.cn/orders/view/26241


Extract the QR code to register.




10 岁以下儿童谢绝参加。


活动开始前30分钟可以进入。请尽量于活动开始前15分钟到达以便有足够时间通过安检。在活动开始 30 分钟后将不允许入场参加活动。

Doorswill open 30 minutes before the program starts. Please try to arrive at least 15minutes before the program starts to allow enough time to go through security. Youwill NOT be admitted if you arrive half an hour after the program has started.



NOTE:This event is open to the general public. Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.  Press inquiries should be directed to theU.S. Embassy Press Office.



Pleasenote that attendees of this event grant permission to the U.S. Department ofState to photograph and video record their image and/or voice. Permission isgranted for the U.S. Department of State to release, publish, broadcast orquote this material in public information programs and activities. Contentprocured may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, through multiplebroadcast channels and print media.  Use of content (image, audio orideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you very much.


*请记住携带有效的并有照片的身份证件原件进入北京美国中心, 证件复印件或照片将不被允许进入。来北京美国中心参加此活动请勿携带大包。
You must bring a valid physical photo ID in order to enter the Beijing AmericanCenter (BAC), copies or pictures of IDs will not be accepted.  No largebags will be allowed into the BAC for this event.


*访客请勿携带笔记本电脑。便携式电子设备如手机,iPads和其他平板电脑,智能手表可以带进北京美国中心的活动。*While portableelectronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, andsmartwatches are permitted, guests may not bring laptop computers to BeijingAmerican Center programs.


Forsecurity reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone.

地点:北京市朝阳区安家楼路55 (美国大使馆东门)。
Location:No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of the U.S.Embassy).

Directions:Metro Line 10, Liangmaqiao Station Exit B, walk northeast to the Tian Ze Roadintersection of An Jia Lou Road, north side of the Visas Office.


Followus on the Embassy’s WeChat by searching USEmbassyChina.



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