新西兰9大著名步道介绍--米尔福德步道(Milford Track)

2014年07月01日 来新西兰旅游吧

53.5 km - 4 days

大约一百年前,伦敦的“观察者”里有一篇文章,诗人Blanche Baughan赞美Milford Trail是"the world's most beautiful routes." 。下面是她的原文:

"It was a cliff where four stand - from the mountains to the foot, as if like ax sliced straight into the sea hundreds of feet below the surface of the valley several other, probably half a mile away from each other, is equally chilly steep. ; the moment, with the trail climbs, watching the trees gradually became little sparse, snow-capped rock canyon slowly began to close in on, then you realize that he being tiptoe abyss at the bottom of the crust. "

Milford Track是新西兰无可争辩的最美地方之一。53公里的旅程从Lake Te Anau的岸边开始,一路跨越河流、穿过丛林和高山隧道。


第三或者第四天将走到Dasa Sutherland瀑布。这些冰川融水从580米的高空直流而下,让人震撼。




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