Talking Economics
Recontres économiques
How did the World Economy get so messed up? Lessons from the world to China
Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Ulan Bator, Seoul, Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei
Speaker: Mr. Donald Drummond
演讲嘉宾: 唐纳德•德拉蒙德先生
The American Chambers of Commerce in Southwest China is pleased to invite you to join “Talking Economics” Forum & Dinner meeting, which is organized by Canadian Consulate General in Chongqing and The American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China.
Canadian Consulate General in Chongqing
The American Chamber of Commerce Southwest China
Please email to AmCham Chongqing Office before 15th, October to reserve free seats.
Limited seats are available. Priority to AmCham members. Only reserved guests reception.
Reservation format: name/company/position/mobile/email address
86 23 6776 7738
86 23 6776 7737
General Information
Venue:4F, Three Gorges Ballroom, Radisson Blu Plaza Chongqing
Date:October 16th, 2014, Thurday
Language:English with Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation
16:30 – 20:00 Forum & Dinner
Schedule 流程
16:30 – 17:00 Registration签到
17:00 – 17:10 Speech by Canadian Consul General Philippe Rheault
17:10 – 17:50 Key note speech by Mr. Don Drummond
Don Drummond先生主题演讲
How did the World Economy get so messed up? Lessons from the world to China
17:50 – 18:10 Q & A问答环节
18:10 – 20:00 Buffet dinner & Networking reception
How did the World Economy get so messed up? Lessons from the world to China
From the recent global economic crisis emerge some old lessons and some new lessons. But a lot of questions have yet to be answered by economists and policy makers. By 2007, complacency had sunk in around the world. It all seemed quite simple. The theory if not the practice of running balanced fiscal policy was widely accepted. Maintaining low and stable inflation was thought to be the cure for wild economic cycles. Financial sector deregulation was critical for growth. But then the worst economic cycle since the Great Depression hit. What went wrong and what lessons should be drawn? Perhaps the first lesson is that fiscal and monetary policy are not very effective in correcting a global downturn once it has hit; so this makes it imperative to reduce the risks of a recurrence. Another lesson is the need for tighter international policy coordination. But can we be confident the coordinators will do the right things? They certainly will not unless they fully understand how the global economy has fundamentally changed over the past few decades. Economic cycles have become more synchronized around the globe due to rapid growth in the emerging economies, the intensification of global trade, the globalization of financial products, and the international coordination of policies. This means that while the largest economies – the US, China and the EU – can lift the world economy, they can also sink it if they go off course. We must learn the old and new lessons and address the economic vulnerabilities that remain.
最近的全球经济危机反映了一些新旧教训。但是,还有很多问题等待经济学家和政策制定者的解答。到2007年,全球充斥着自满情绪。一切看起来似乎都很简单。运行平衡的财政政策的做法被广泛接受。保持稳定的低通货膨胀被认为是狂乱经济周期的治愈手段。放松金融管制是经济增长的关键。但随后大萧条以来最严重的经济周期冲击了全球。这一问题出现的原因是什么?应该从中吸取什么教训?也许第一个教训就是,当全球经济低迷已经出现时,财政和货币政策都无法有效扭转形势,因此降低复发风险就尤为重要。另一个教训是全球需要更紧密的国际政策协调。但是,各国的协调者们会采取正确行动吗?他们当然不会,除非他们完全了解全球经济在过去几十年已经发生的根本改变。由于新兴经济体的快速增长、全球贸易的加强、金融产品的全球化以及政策的国际协调,经济周期的全球同步化程度进一步提高。尽管全球最大的经济体-- 美国、中国和欧盟 --可以繁荣世界经济,如果他们偏离正轨,也能造成全球经济衰退。我们必须吸取新旧教训,解决仍然存在的经济脆弱性。
Donald Drummond was born and raised in Victoria, British Columbia, where he graduated from the University of Victoria. He received his MA in Economics from Queen's University. He is a keynote speaker on the economy and finance and is currently an Adjunct Professor with the School of Policy Studies and the Matthews Fellow in Global Policy at Queen’s University. Mr. Drummond joined the federal Department of Finance upon completing his studies at Queen's. During almost 23 years at Finance, Mr. Drummond held a series of progressively more senior positions in the areas of economic analysis and forecasting, fiscal policy and tax policy. His last three positions were respectively, Assistant Deputy Minister of Fiscal Policy & Economic Analysis, Assistant Deputy Minister of Tax Policy & Legislation and most recently, Associate Deputy Minister. In this latter position Mr. Drummond was responsible for economic analysis, fiscal policy, tax policy, social policy and federal-provincial relations. In particular, Mr. Drummond coordinated the planning of the annual federal budgets. Mr. Drummond joined the TD Bank in June 2000 as Senior Vice President and Chief Economist. Mr. Drummond left his post at TD in 2010. He continues to advise and speak on the global economy. In June 2010, he became the new Matthews Fellow and Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University. Mr. Drummond travels widely, speaking to various groups about economic issues and he is frequently quoted by the media on economic and policy matters.
唐纳德•德拉蒙德(Donald Drummond)出生并成长于不列颠哥伦比亚省的维多利亚市,毕业于维多利亚大学,随后从皇后大学获得了经济学硕士学位。他是经济和金融方面的重要发言人,目前是皇后大学政策研究学院的客座教授,以及全球政策方面的马修斯研究员。