Hi Tyler and Esther,
I had the pleasure of meeting a STUART applicant, ZHONG ***, in Guangzhou at a small agency that we have a strong relationship with. The lead consultant has visited our office before and is very trustworthy, overall her students are all above average or stronger.
ZHONG ***, or Bridget, is a precocious 9th grade applicant. She is currently in 8th grade. I have attached her picture here to verify her identity in a Skype interview. I would rate her proficiency as Low Advanced, which is very good for her young age. While STUART has a challenging academic program, I have interviewed a large number of students and would rate her English speaking ability and comprehension as very high for her age. I am hoping you could pass on my recommendation to the school and encourage them to consider her closely. I believe she first scored a 62 on the TOEFL, which seems low, but I would rate her speaking and listening skills to be at least in the high 70s or 80+ ranges. She may be taking the test again to see if her score improves. If anything, this is another indication why no single test can tell you how well a student can use the language. 钟同学,Bridget,是一位思想成熟的9年级申请者。她目前在国内就读8年级。我附上她的照片以便你们在视频面试的时候可以辨认出来。我将Bridget的英语程度评为“中等偏高”,对于她的年纪来说是很不错的成绩。斯图亚特女校的课程难度偏高,而在我面试过了许多学校以后,我认为钟同学的英语口语能力和理解能力水平都比她实际年龄的英语水平要高出很多。我希望你们能将我的推荐反馈给学校并认真考虑一下钟同学。她第一次的托福成绩是62分,尽管成绩偏低,但我认为她的口语和听力水平能达到80分甚至更高的分数。她或许后续也会再次参加托福考试看看成绩是否有提升。这也是另外一种途径了解到成绩并不能反映出学生运用一门语言的能力。
I have some additional notes on my conversation with her, which probably lasted 20-30 minutes: 跟钟同学的20-30分钟的对话中,我做了以下的一些备注:
While she came well prepared to interview and show me picture prints representing her interests and hobbies, I made sure to take the conversation toward new topics to see how she would fare, and she impressed. 可以看得出来,学生为面试做了充分的准备,还特地带了一些照片向我展示自己的爱好和特长(备注:琵琶和画作)。正是因为这样,我有意识地引伸新话题,不断地抛出新问题,想吓吓她,但她的淡定表现让我印象深刻。
She attends Guangzhou Foreign Languages School; the Foreign Language public schools in major cities often have a strong academic reputation for English language preparation. 她就读于广州外国语学校,这是一所中国一线城市的公立外国语学校,以极强的英语教学闻名。
I had her talk about her favorite artist in Chinese music, she was able to talk about her favorite singer and favorite song in Chinese on the topic of unrequited love and describe why the song was important to her. Many students stumble when asked questions on topics they haven't spoken about in English before, but Bridget did so with little hesitation. She was also able to figure out what the terms C-Pop and K-Pop meant during our conversation. 我让她跟我分享她最喜欢的中国音乐艺术家,她能够自如地说出她喜欢的歌手和歌曲。除此之外,她会强调歌手不计报酬演出,也会描述为什么这些歌曲对她很重要。当我问及学生从未准备过的问题时,大多数学生都会不知所措,甚至害怕。她却淡定自若。面对一些新的词汇,她也能够通过对话语境,推断出意思。比如:通过C-Pop(中国流行音乐),推断出K-Pop为韩国流行音乐。
I had her talk about a book she read recently on geography in Chinese; she talked about how the author describes the four seasons in China. In asking her about the author's favorite season, she both provided the answer and went into more detail about why the author liked this season. Most students her age answer the question in the simplest way possible and do not elaborate unless prompted. Her command of English gives her the confidence to say more and offer her opinion of the topic at hand. 我让她跟我说说她最近读的关于地理的中文读物。她生动地讲解作者如何描写中国的一年四季。我再问她,作者最喜欢的季节,她能够用很多细节说明作者喜欢的原因。但是,很多同年级的学生只会用最简单的方式来回答,如果我们不追问,学生不会深入阐述。而钟同学的英语理解能力,使得她有自信去对话题进行深入的探讨,给出自己的观点。
I had her describe a process for me, in this case how to make a type of Chinese food, dumplings. She did well and used the vocabulary of every day life which even well educated students sometimes do not have because kitchen terms may not be taught in their textbooks. This is encouraging for her participation in a residential program where she needs to live life in English outside of school. Furthermore, she was able to take me through a process without getting lost, which not all students can do when being asked this for the first time. 我还让她描述了中国传统食物,讲解了包饺子的方法。她能够用很日常的词汇来进行表达,包括一些厨房用语,这即便是非常优秀的学生都很少能运用自如,因为这些词汇在英语课本中不会教。这些词汇的掌握,对于她未来在美国生活,会有很大的帮助。更让人惊喜的是,描述整个包饺子的过程,她都非常流畅。而大多数中国学生,第一次这类问题时,都会结结巴巴。
She described her trip to Los Angeles she took. I pressed her on a difficult topic, which was to describe her favorite ride experience at Universal Studios. While she did not have the perfect vocabulary at hand (she was describing the Terminator ride which involves 3D), she did not get nervous and used the vocabulary she had to help me understand what the ride was like. Again, most students will provide a short answer in order to not make a mistake out loud, while ZHONG *** took a risk to help me understand. 她跟我分享她的加州洛杉矶之旅。我再次抛出刁难的问题,要她描述在加州环球影城的电车之旅。虽然她词汇不足(因为她需要描述“终结者”这部电影,包含3D画面),她毫不紧张,用她熟悉的词汇来向我解释这段电车之旅。我想再次强调,大多数学生,只会用简短的回答(应对新问题),比避免出错。但钟同学敢于表达,还帮助我理解这些细节。
She described her interest in Princeton. My grandfather happened to be the architect for their library, and I described for her how he inserted a statue of a gargoyle in his image on the library roof to test her comprehension. While she didn't know the word gargoyle, she was able to follow and learn the word through the conversation. 她说她对普林斯顿大学的热爱。我的祖父恰巧是普林斯顿大学图书馆的建筑师。我跟她分享我祖父如何对滴水兽雕像产生兴趣,然后以此作为普林斯顿大学图书馆的顶部雕塑。这是我又一次考察她的理解能力。虽然她并不知道什么是滴水兽,但是她跟得上我的思路,也能从对话语境中,理解该词。
Generally, her use of verb tenses was good, though there is a bit of room for improvement here. Most students her age use the present tense more than the past to describe past events or actions, whereas Bridget did well to switch tenses. 总的来说,她在动词时态上的使用非常好,当然也有一些进步空间。大多数同年级的学生,只会用现在时态来描述过去的事件和动作,但是钟同学在时态变换上,做得很好。
STUART will have a better sense if her academic and co-curricular interests are a good fit with the school's offerings. However, in examining just her English speaking and comprehension, she is well above her peers and above most students I meet in China, many of whom are applying to top schools like STUART. 在钟同学的学术和兴趣爱好方案,斯图亚特会比我有更好的判断。但是,如果就她的英语口语和理解能力,我认为她比我遇到过的大多数优秀中国学生,同样是申请像斯图亚特这类顶尖学校的学生,都要强很多。
I hope this is helpful for the school.
1. 英语能力
2. 个人性格
3. 学生与学校的匹配度
微信公众号:美国留学顾问lilly (lillyfu_usa)