
2015年04月01日 澳大利亚留学移民服务

毫无预料,喜出望外,澳大利亚移民局突然在3月26日出台一系列新法律法规, 降低了技术移民的部分要求。

改变一 - 英文在EOI获邀时候有效!



原文:Allow an English language test score to be accepted for points tested skilled visas if the test was conducted three years before the applicant was invited to apply for the visa, rather than three years before the application was lodged. This ensures that English test scores do not become invalid between the invitation to apply for the visa and the application being lodged;

众所周知,澳大利亚技术移民签证类别189,190 ,489都是需要先满足英文等条件才可以递交EOI申请。但是有些签证等待获邀时间比较长。可能导致雅思过期。


改变二 – 降低临居签证的英文要求!



原文:enable lower English language test scores to be specified for the Skilled Recognised Graduate and Temporary Graduate visas so that these visas can be more responsive to Australia’s labour market requirements. The tests and scores will be specified in an instrument made by the Minister;

These amendments to the Migration Regulations are to implement changes to English language requirements for the Skilled – Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) visa, the Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa, as well as the range of points-tested skilled visa subclasses: Skilled – Independent (Permanent) (subclass 189), Skilled – Nominated (Permanent) (subclass 190) and Skilled – Regional (Provisional) (subclass 489).

The amendments:

· remove references to ‘competent English’ in clauses 476.111 and 485.111 of Schedule 2 of the Migration Regulations;

· allow applicants under clause 476.213 and clause 485.212 of Schedule 2 to provide an overall minimum English language score and a minimum score for each of the four components of an approved English language test as specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument;

· continue to allow applicants for Subclass 476 or a Subclass 485 visas who hold a valid passport issued by the United United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand or the Republic of Ireland, and are citizens of that country, to meet threshold English language requirements;

· rectify a legislative inconsistency by amending paragraphs 1.15(1)(b), 1.15C(1)(b), 1.15D(b), 1.15EA(a) relating to the various levels of English language proficiency to reflect points tested skilled visa eligibility criteria; and

· remove a redundant definition ‘Occupational English Test’ from the Migration Regulations.

The changes to English language test score requirements contribute to maintaining English language standards in the visa programme by mandating a baseline score for each of the test components, while benefiting Subclass 476 and Subclass 485 visa applicants who are ‘only just’ missing out on meeting existing English language requirements. This change is welcomed by industry stakeholders who raised concerns about not being able to provide an overall/total English language test score, where scores in some components may be slightly below the current threshold while others are above. The changes to move English language test score requirements for Skilled – Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) and Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa applicants from the Migration Regulations to instead be specified in a legislative instrument provide flexibility to make further changes more easily if these requirements need to be adjusted to better reflect labour market needs.

485签证包括了TR和PSW签证,476签证是给海外部分认可大学的工程系毕业生,部分毕业生因为英文考不到雅思4个6或同等分数,不得不依赖于延续学生签或其他签证。 签证英文要求的降低不仅帮助广大的申请人节约了学费,而且最重要的是减少了因为再次延签可能面临的签证被拒的风险。移民局所指的英文考暗示所有英文考试,包括雅思和OET等考试,可以多张试卷并用,只要每项凑到要求,如雅思均分只要4个6,但多次考试,每一项都曾经到过6等。


1 Regulation 1.03 (definition of Occupational English Test)

Repeal the definition.

2 Regulation 1.03


score, in relation to a language test, means any score or result, however described, from the test, including any combination of scores or results from the test or components of the test.

改变三 – 申请485签证时体检可以后面安排!



原文: repeal the requirement that an applicant for a Temporary Graduate visa must provide evidence of having made arrangements for medical examinations at the time of application for the visa. The amendment removes an unnecessary burden on applicants as many applicants may not be required to have a medical examination to meet the health requirement at the time of decision for the visa;




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