A greased baking tray 一个抹油的烤盘
A large bowl 一个大碗
A rolling pin 一个擀面杖
A wooden spoon 一个木勺
Something to cut even circles with 圆形切割模具
225g self-raising flour 225克自发粉
Pinch of salt 一小撮盐
50g margarine or butter 50克植物黄油或黄油
25g sugar 25克糖
50g currants (optional - but tasty!) 50克黑加仑葡萄干(可选,但是很美味!)
1 egg, beaten with enough milk to make 150ml of liquid 一个鸡蛋,打在牛奶里做成150毫升的液体
Heat oven to 220°C, Gas Mark 7. 烤箱用7档预热到220度
Mix flour, and salt, rub in margarine and stir in sugar and fruit. 混合面粉,盐,放入黄油/植物黄油,糖还有果料进行搅拌
Add egg mixture and milk, reserving a little for brushing the tops. 加入鸡蛋和牛奶的混合液体,留一点用于最后刷在表面
Knead lightly on a floured surface and roll out to 1cm in thickness. 在面板上揉团擀开成1厘米厚的面皮
Cut into rounds. Re-roll the trimmings and cut again until you can't anymore. 用模具切成圆形小块,将剩下的面皮重新揉切直至用完
Brush the tops with the egg mixture and bake for around 10 minutes. 在表面刷上剩余的蛋奶液放入烤箱烤制10分钟
Enjoy them with a pot of tea, jam, and clotted cream. 然后就可以配上红茶,果酱和奶油,快乐的享用了!