
2015年12月23日 合肥加拿大国际学校


In order to strengthen collaboration with families, demonstrate the characteristics of our school, and promote communication between families and school, SCCS Primary School launched Open Day activity on December 16th. Parents who had been invited visited SCCS in good spirit and participated in many activities to experience school life of SCCS.


Executive Director Ms. Du Juan attended Open Day activity, together with Executive Principal Lu Yegong, Canadian Principal Peggy, Vice-Principal Melody, Geng Xiaojuan, YuTao and Liu Yanfei.


In the auditorium of CIS, parents, students and teachers of Primary School took seats at designated areas. The arrangements for the Open Day consisted of five parts. First of all, Canadian Principal Peggy made the speech about Canadian courses.

聆听杨晓华校长做“践行国际化教育,谋学校特色发展”的专题报告,报告分四部分:第一部分,中加小学要办成怎样的小学? 办学定位——改革创新,中加教育领跑国际化。第二部分,中加小学课程体系构建和教育优势。 ⑴、构建中西融合的课程体系,落实学生“核心素养”的形成。 ⑵、实施多元评价,促进学生全人教育,全面发展。第三部分,管理制度建设与策略实施。对工作注重落实,策略管理,布局发展,创建国际化优势教育做解读。第四部分,新学期工作透视与教育观分享。第二项是参观校园。即:各个功能场馆专业教室及生活区等。第三,观看校本课国学展示。第四,家校共课,家长和老师孩子一起上课。最后,由班主任做班级管理工作介绍和说明。

Then, Principal Yang made the speech carrying out international education, fostering development of characteristic school. There were four parts in the speech. 1 the orientation of SCCS-to reform and innovate, becoming outstanding international school;2 the construction of curriculum system and educational advantages of SCCS,(1) building cross-culture curriculum and equipping students with central qualities, (2)carrying out multidimensional evaluation to foster the all-round development of students;3 construction of management system and strategy implementation, making explanations on implementation of work, strategic management, the layout of development and creating advantageous international education;4 The analysis of work and educational ideas in the new semester. Secondly, parents visited the campus which included multifunctional rooms and dormitories. Thirdly, parents watched the performance of gymnastics. At last, parents gave lectures in the classrooms, and homeroom teachers made reports on their work.


After the speech, parents visited multifunctional rooms, foreign teachers classrooms and students dormitories with staff of Admission Office.


After that, parents went to the auditorium to watch the show of gymnastics performed by students. This gymnastics was accompanied by chorus of Disciple Gauge. It is beneficial for the students to practice this gymnastics every day for 10 minutes. It is good for students physical exercise and memorization of classical Chinese literature. Watching children performing was joyful for the parents. They took photos of their children with their own cameras.



Then, parents and students entered the classrooms together. There were students beautiful pictures, handmade works and literary works on the bulletin boards. The green plants of classrooms were exuberant. After parents took seats, students took out their handmade greeting cards. There were heart-warming words on the cards that touched parents. Students developments gave parents surprise and pleasure.

As a part of the activity, homeroom teachers invited some parents to give lectures on their professions. Their lectures were interesting for the students so they all listened very carefully with their parents. Many grandparents also joined this activity. They listened attentively while taking some notes. It seemed as if they went back to their student years.



Homeroom teachers reported their management work to the parents and held discussions with parents. All the parents spoke freely about how they felt about the Open Day”. They spoke highly of school management and teaching work. They also expressed heartfelt gratitude for the hard work and efforts of our teachers.

The Open Day activity came to an end. Parents filled out the letters of communication carefully, giving suggestions and advice on the teaching work and management of the school. These letters conveyed the parents concerns for the school as well as hopes for childrens development.


Children need care and education from both teachers and parents in their growth. The Open Day activity helps parents know more about the orientation of SCCS, curriculum design and advantages of international education. Parents also get to know how their children are taught in school. It is also good for the mutual understanding between school and families.

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