
2016年01月02日 新西兰移民家园







根据大使馆网站的check list挨个准备材料,所缺的就是一个雇佣状态证明文件而已。当时我就想,大使馆要这个文件的意图并不是多关心你赚多少钱,干什么工作,它只是希望知道你有足够的动机不会黑在新西兰而已。

所以针对此意图,我给签证官写了一封个人陈述,表明我已经交了澳大利亚的学费,有土澳的学生签证。配套地,一并提交了Confirmation of Enrollment(在pre-paid学费那里划线)以及土澳签证的复印件。






Personal Statement

To Whom It May Concern,

I am New Zealand Visa applicant, XXX(名字), whose Passport Number is XXXXX.I hereby write this statement to you to explian my employment status, and may you be kind to consider this document to be the replacement of the “EMPLOYMENT DOCUMENT” that is required by the Visitor Visa Checklist.


As I present this application to you, I am about to move to Australia as a Student for my master programme at the Australian National University, which will start rom July 21st, 2014. Hence, I have quitted my previous job, and am not being involved in any employment relationship in China. So I can provide neither sorts of “letterfrom your employer” nor the one from my school.


But, alternatively, I would like to provide the copy of my Australian Visa and a “Confirmation of Enrollment” issued by the Education Department of Australia to be the proof of my current status.


I am eagerly hoping to travel to New Zealand before the start date of my master programme, visiting the world-famous purenatrual scenery there. Besides, I definitely believe that an one-week trip is far from enough to explore the full beauty of NZ. I would like to travel to NZ again during my Christmas vacation in DEC 2014. Therefore, please be kind toissue me a Multiple Entry Visa.

I bear all the cost of my travel by my own deposite, and I guarantee that my trip there is for tourism purpose only and I will go back Australia afterwards for my further study.

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