
2016年01月02日 西安新东方前途英国留学

1、Where the University is unable to offer you a place.学校不能保证学生的位置
2、Where the applicant has personal circumstances such as illness, bereavement or other family situations that has prevented them coming to the UK.Medical or other proof may be requested.  因为个人或家庭原因,比如疾病或者亲人丧亡或其他问题,导致无法去英国留学。需要提供相关医疗或其他证明材料。
3、Applicant can prove that they have applied for a Visa to attend the University of Glasgow, but this has been refused. The applicant must have shown “real intent”; to study at the University of Glasgow but has been unable to get their visa.  拒签。需提供拒签信。如果拒签理由是因为学生留学英国的真实意图或作假等其他原因,退费是否批准需要个案考虑。
4、Applicant does not meet his / her conditions of offer- this may be academic or language test requirements.  学生最后没有达到offer的学术或语言要求。需提供合理材料证明。
1、Applicant decides to go to another institution.学生决定入读别的大学。
2、Applicant cannot be released from work to study at the University of Glasgow. 学生因为工作原因不能入学
3、Applicant does not send completed documentation as requested in the condition of the offer-this may be required in order to prove that the conditions of offer have not been met for academic or language test reasons- failure to respond to requests for this information will result in non-repayment of deposit. 学生不能提供没有达到offer要求的材料证明.    
4、Applicant has not secured funding to attend the University of Glasgow – this may be as a result of not being successful in applications for scholarships, OR simply not having sufficient funds in bank at time of visa application. This condition will apply unless it can be proven that there are clear mitigating circumstances which have significantly changed the individual’s position since the time of application. 学生因为资金问题无法入读Glasgow。拒签理由如果也是资金问题,押金也无法退还。

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