2、Where the applicant has personal circumstances such as illness, bereavement or other family situations that has prevented them coming to the UK.Medical or other proof may be requested. 因为个人或家庭原因,比如疾病或者亲人丧亡或其他问题,导致无法去英国留学。需要提供相关医疗或其他证明材料。
3、Applicant can prove that they have applied for a Visa to attend the University of Glasgow, but this has been refused. The applicant must have shown “real intent”; to study at the University of Glasgow but has been unable to get their visa. 拒签。需提供拒签信。如果拒签理由是因为学生留学英国的真实意图或作假等其他原因,退费是否批准需要个案考虑。
4、Applicant does not meet his / her conditions of offer- this may be academic or language test requirements. 学生最后没有达到offer的学术或语言要求。需提供合理材料证明。