开放日活动回顾 Open Day Review

2015年12月29日 加拿大国际教育集团


Christmas is coming and the bells are ringing. The cold weather cannot stop the passion of learning. Canadian International Kindergarten of Agile welcomed all visitors from Nancun Kindergartens in 17th December . An open day for almost 200 principals and teachers.


The principals and teachers visited our kindergarten to view our environment and watched our teamwork teaching method from our foreign teachers, Conner activities and outdoor activities with the big classes.

活动后,广东省教育名家工作室主持人 广东省特级教师 东方红幼儿园王致青园长就本次活动给予了精彩的点评:幼儿园环境体现了环境牵引主题,环境生动,实现了孩子的学习,整个环境充满主题氛围;通过多种的形式:集体、小组、个别及混班的形式,对儿童的发展有不同的作用,活动中可以看到人文环境好,幼儿园表现愉悦、投入和自主,人员配置的充分,做到了对每个幼儿的关注;同时,也看到班上老师通过学习,有与时俱进的创新意识,通过区域活动的开展为《指南》和《纲要》更好的实施打下基础。也对我园的老师们提出希望:相信孩子,站在孩子的背后观察孩子,促进幼儿更全面健康的成长!

After their visit, principal Wang Zhiqing, the host of Guangdong Education Studio and the principal of Dong Fang Hong school, gave these comments about his half day visit: “CKE-Agile school is leading with the monthly theme as the campus decoration and environment usage. They follow group, team and individual teaching styles while focusing on all steps of the students development. Children are all happy, involved and self learning. Also, teachers are constantly improving their skills by different studies. Using “Guidelines” and “Structures” to improving their teaching style!


Principal Coco shared her feelings after she visited schools on a trip to Wuxi. They learned a lot of different things during this tour of Wuxi.


Wen Kaiyi, the director of Nancun Education Center, spoke highly about this half day open day activity.


We believe that our kindergarten will continue to improve with the care and help of the other Nancun government leaders and teachers.






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