【教学心得】在音乐中学会生活 - Learn to live in music

2016年01月04日 加拿大国际教育集团


Ken’s sharing best practices


First of all, music teachers should be clear that aesthetic is the core in music education. Enabling students to gradually form healthy musical aesthetic capacity. In my opinion, stimulate and cultivate the students’ interest is the most important thing in teaching, only in this way, the students will gradually love music. In order to make the students have a better understanding of music, we should actively encourage the students to show themselves. In my lessons, I educate the students from two aspects, they are as following:

Cultivate the students’ interest by teaching whom to know and play the various instruments in the musical classroom.


I use EFL with team work to mobilize the atmosphere and improve the students’ interests in class.


Considering the characteristics of my school, I choose the Latin musical Bongo as a starting point for students to understand the essence of music that comes from life. To stimulate students’ interest and improve class efficiency, I always do around the following points:


I take full advantage of school instruments to broaden the students’ horizons and improve the aesthetic ability.


In music theory class, I consider the situational teaching, make the students to gradually develop an understanding and mastery of musical knowledge. For example, the students learn the musical notes by imitating the length of animal sounds to distinguish different notes.


I take use of multimedia, television, audio and other different teaching equipments, make the students to enjoy a large symphony orchestra and ethnic works, let the students to understand and feel the music better.


In class, I encourage the students to sing and develop their practical ability that make our music lessons more active and interesting.





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