On Monday, March 28th Grade 1C had the pleasure of having the Principal’s Party with Mrs. Julaine. The students were so excited to hear that they would have a party. This party was to celebrate the students’ hard work that was beautifully displayed on the Unique and Talented wall.
三月二十八日(周一),G1C的孩子们非常荣幸地与外籍校长Mrs Percy开了个小派对,为了奖励孩子们在学校展示墙上制作的精彩作品。
The artwork that they presented was all about the weather. The students had so much fun creating their projects! They used paint, cotton balls, ribbons, colored paper, and glue to create a very colorful and eye catching weather board. They also learned so many things about the weather and wrote about their experiences with different types of weather.
When Mrs. Percy entered the room, she brought freshly baked pastries from Aaron, the amazingly talented baker on the CLS kitchen staff. She happily greeted all of the students and made sure that they understood that this party was her way to thank them and tell them that she loved their work. As Mrs. Percy walked around the classroom, she gave every student a nice, warm egg tart.
Mrs. Percy手里拿着点心师傅Aaron刚刚烘焙好的点心进入到教室,她非常高兴地与孩子们问好,并走到每个孩子面前,为孩子送上蛋挞。
I was very proud of them because they were so polite and made sure to tell her, “Thank you Mrs. Percy”. It was very obvious that the children enjoyed the snack because while they ate, there was very little talking. Once the party was over, the children all said, “Goodbye Mrs. Percy and thank you!” It is always nice to see our leadership giving praise to our student constantly reminding them to always do their best.
从孩子们的表情中,我们可以感受到他们非常喜欢这些食物。当派对结束,所有的孩子们一齐说:“Mrs. Percy,再见,谢谢您!”我们从不吝惜给孩子们赞美,所以孩子们也一直不断地要求自己做到最好!
撰稿:Joseph Bryan
翻译:张蕾 Jessica