2012年Rosa和Rich一起辞职后,同为旅行狂热爱好者的他们,自创了一本高冷的旅行杂志《CEREAL》,没有大规模发行渠道,不迎合他人的喜好, 每个目的地都会亲自探访,4年只发行了9本,但依然吸引了一大批品味不凡的读者。从创刊1500本到现在的3、4万本,如今,你甚至能在全世界45个国家看到《CEREAL》的身影。
2016年1月,中文版第一期《谷物》01这里有另一种时间 也正式在中国出版发售。
无论是世界奇迹纽约、休闲海滩小镇布莱顿、还是人烟罕至的撒哈拉沙漠,这些景点在Rich 的照片里总能呈现静谧而完美的质感。画面干净且没有一丝瑕疵,犹如一场梦境般虚幻,让人不愿从梦境中醒来。
安格泡万向灯是巴斯一位精通悬挂系统的汽车工程师在1932 年设计发明的,而皮克斯动画工作室制作的首部动画短片《顽皮跳跳灯》,灵感就来自于皮克斯的创建者约翰·拉赛特桌上的安格泡台灯。
1, 为什么会创办《谷物》杂志?
Rich - Cereal’s creative director - and I created Cereal with thegoal of producing a travel magazine that would resonate with our peers. Thereare lots of wonderful, established travel magazines already, but what we wantto do is create bespoke content that speaks to our generation and provide avery specific filter through which we look at the world. You could say we look at everything through a Cereal lens when we travel, and this means searching for places that are not just interesting and unique, but also design consciousand youthful in spirit.
2, 谈谈你是怎么和里奇如何相遇的?
Rich and I met in Bristol, UK five years ago. I moved to Bristolfrom New York to pursue a Master’s in English Literature, and Rich had alsorecently moved to Bristol around the same time to follow his dream of being afreelance photographer and graphic designer. So we met at a time when we wereboth changing the direction of our careers - him being an engineer prior toCereal, and me being in marketing previously - so it was a fortuitous meetingin many ways. We shared a similar interests, sense of aesthetics and goals, andout of that Cereal was born.
I believe any independent publisher or small business owner you speak to would say that they encounter many an obstacle and difficulty in whatthey do - be it the early days, the middle days or the late days! For us, likeso many others, there were many difficulties to overcome, especially in therunning of the business and coming to grips with that responsibility, but asthey say, nothing worth having in life comes easy!
4, 《Cereal》要想读者传达一种什么样的旅游体验?
I think the travel experience of Cereal is twofolds.
First, it’s all about the solitary exploration of a place andappreciating the place you are visiting as deeply as possible. It’s all aboutyou and your destination - just those two elements. To that end, we alwaysshowcase the landscape and the venue without people - so you can pictureyourself there, rather than observing another guest there - and we also providea selection of features that focus on the culture, the history and thelanguages.
Second, it’s about showing a specific angle of various places. Welike what we like, and this means we love to present beautiful naturallandscapes - it’s a great passion of ours - which is accessible to all andtherefore highly egalitarian. And we also talk about places that share oursense of aesthetics and values. You could say there is a strong Cereal look andwe often seek these types of places when we travel.
5, 印象最深刻的一次旅行?
To date, one of the most memorably trips we have taken is the one tothe Sahara Desert in Morocco. We want at the height of summer, and drove threedays into the desert from Marrakech in search of sand dunes. And I will neverforget climbing up to the peak of the tallest sand dune in Erg Chegaga andlooking out - not a single person was there except for myself and Rich as itwas the height of summer and too hot for most tourists. I felt like I was inanother world.
6, 旅途中是否有意见不一致的时候?如果有,又怎么妥协?
We don’t disagree too much about places we are interested in - partof the reason we work so well together is that we have very similar interests.I know at the moment Rich is very keen to visit Antarctica, that is probablythe only place I am not 100% interested in, only because I hate cold weather!Haha :)
7, 你们的杂志设计很特别,为什么一个旅行杂志被设计成这种极简风格?
We love simplicity. I don’t like the word minimalism because I thinkit has taken on a slightly negative connotation these days and it can - notalways but sometimes - allude to a sense of sterility. I think Cereal is fullof life, but we like to keep things pared back and simple. It’s not about beingin a white room, with one white sofa. It’s more about finding the element ofsimplicity no matter where we are, no matter how busy the place may be. You canalways find it and it’s something I have been drawn to my whole life. I feelcalm amidst simplicity and it’s when I’m the happiest. Our magazine reflectsthis feeling of mine.
8, 你想做一些除了做杂志以外的有趣的事情吗?
At the moment, in addition to the magazine, we create printed cityguidebooks - we currently have ones to London, New York and Paris - and work asconsultants to many international brands. We create content for them andcollaborate on products and events as well. We will also be publishing ourfirst book in the coming year, and there might be a Cereal showroom or shop inthe future too.