University of Colorado Boulder
奖学金:Chancellor's AchievementScholarship
奖学金金额:US$ 6,250.00 (¥ 41,219) a year
申请截止日期:Expected January 2017
申请要求: above a 3.85 grade pointcombined with a 29 or higher on the ACT and/or 1300 or higher on the SAT
EasternKentucky University - Graduate Education and Research
奖学金:Dr. Rodney Gross Diversity Scholarship
奖学金金额:range from $1,000 to $3,000 peryear
申请截止日期:Expected March 2016
新生:a high school grade pointaverage of 2.5 or higher with extracurricular support in athletics, communityand/or student government services or have a 3.0 grade point average or higherwithout extracurricular activities.
研究生:a minimum of a 3.0 college GPA
Universityof North Carolina at Greensboro
奖学金:Mina Weil Scholarship For Foreign Students
申请要求:Awarded to assist internationalstudents at UNCG.
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