美商会(重庆)将于2016年8月30日在JW万豪酒店举行早餐会。届时,美领馆商务参赞Eric Hsu、美商会会长、理事会成员、重庆执行委员会理事将参与本次会员交流早餐会。AmCham CQ will hold its breakfast meeting inJW Marriotthotel on August 30, 2016. At the scheduled time, the US Consulate commercial counsellor Eric Hsu, chairman of AmCham, and members of Board of Governors (BOG) and Chongqing Organizing Committee will attend this event. 美商会(重庆)诚邀各会员企业代表参加本次早餐会,与美领馆商务参赞、美商会会长及各位理事共享美味的早餐,并针对中美双边贸易进行交流。期望参与本次早餐会的嘉宾能够与美商会代表们展开广泛而深刻的意见交流。AmCham (CQ) sincerely invites all representatives from member enterprises to attend this breakfast meeting, enjoying delicious breakfast and discussing Chinese and American bilateral trade withthe US Consulate commercial counsellor, chairman of AmCham and members of BOG and Chongqing Organizing Committee. Wish that participants could have a wide and profound idea communication with representatives from AmCham. 活动详情General Information 日期:2016年8月30日Date: August, 30th, 2016 时间:上午9:00开始Time:Starts at 9:00AM地点:重庆市解放碑JW万豪酒店6楼会议厅6Venue: 6F, Meeting room 6, JW Marriott Hotel, Jiefangbei, Chongqing价格:150/位Price: 150/Person 本次早餐会仅限会员参加!This invitation is only for member enterprises! 报名方式 Ways to sign upPlease long press and extract the QR code beside to register for this event请长按并识别左方二维码填写报名表报名Or press the "Read more" button at the bottom of this page to register.或请点击本文末左下方“阅读原文”填写报名表报名