
2016年08月15日 美国驻华大使馆




密西西比州以油炸鲶鱼、油炸绿西红柿和密西西比泥饼(Mississippi Mud Pie)而闻名。


来看看密西西比自由之路(Mississippi Freedom Trail),了解更多有关这些勇敢的活动家在“棉花州”为种族平等而斗争的故事。


#Traveling Around the U.S. –  State of the Week: Mississippi

The Mississippi Delta holds a special place in American cultural history. Blues, Rock & Roll, and Country music all trace their roots to this culturally rich state.

The landscape is equally diverse with its iconic river, large and endless plains and lowlands, as well as marshes and swamps. Finally, you can’t visit the South of the U.S. without taking a culinary tour.

Mississippi is famous for its fried catfish, fried green tomatoes, and Mississippi Mud Pie.

Mississippi is a state steeped in history, as the site of some of the Civil War’s’ bloodiest battles, and the Civil Rights Movement’s most iconic clashes.

Check out the Mississippi Freedom Trail to learn more about these brave activists’ fight for racial equality in the cotton state.

There’s so much to see and do, where will you start?



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